Dynamical screening effects in correlated electron materials—a progress report on combined many-body perturbation and dynamical mean field theory:'GW+ DMFT'
S Biermann - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014 - iopscience.iop.org
We give a summary of recent progress in the field of electronic structure calculations for
materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations. The discussion focuses on …
materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations. The discussion focuses on …
Plane-wave based electronic structure calculations for correlated materials using dynamical mean-field theory and projected local orbitals
The description of realistic strongly correlated systems has recently advanced through the
combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation (LDA) and …
combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation (LDA) and …
Dimensional-Crossover-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in Ultrathin Films
We have investigated the changes occurring in the electronic structure of digitally controlled
SrVO 3 ultrathin films across the metal-insulator transition (MIT) by the film thickness using in …
SrVO 3 ultrathin films across the metal-insulator transition (MIT) by the film thickness using in …
Orbital Magnetism and Spin-Orbit Effects in the Electronic Structure of
The electronic structure and magnetism of Ir 5 d 5 states in nonmetallic, weakly
ferromagnetic BaIrO 3 are probed with x-ray absorption techniques. Contrary to expectation …
ferromagnetic BaIrO 3 are probed with x-ray absorption techniques. Contrary to expectation …
Electronic properties of bulk and thin film : Search for the metal-insulator transition
We calculate the properties of the 4 d ferromagnet SrRuO 3 in bulk and thin film form with the
aim of understanding the experimentally observed metal-to-insulator transition at reduced …
aim of understanding the experimentally observed metal-to-insulator transition at reduced …
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a unique tool to determine the internal heterostructure of nanoparticles
We review the existing literature on the application of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in
the study of nanocrystals. The unique ability of this technique to provide quantitative and …
the study of nanocrystals. The unique ability of this technique to provide quantitative and …
Combined GW and dynamical mean-field theory: Dynamical screening effects in transition metal oxides
We present the first dynamical implementation of the combined GW and dynamical mean-
field scheme (" GW+ DMFT") for first-principles calculations of the electronic properties of …
field scheme (" GW+ DMFT") for first-principles calculations of the electronic properties of …
Electronics with Correlated Oxides: as a Mott Transistor
We employ density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory and identify the
physical origin of why two layers of SrVO 3 on a SrTiO 3 substrate are insulating: the thin film …
physical origin of why two layers of SrVO 3 on a SrTiO 3 substrate are insulating: the thin film …
Asymmetry in band widening and quasiparticle lifetimes in : Competition between screened exchange and local correlations from combined and dynamical …
The very first dynamical implementation of the combined GW and dynamical mean-field
scheme “GW+ DMFT” for a real material was achieved recently [Tomczak, Europhys. Lett …
scheme “GW+ DMFT” for a real material was achieved recently [Tomczak, Europhys. Lett …
Coulomb-Enhanced Spin-Orbit Splitting: The Missing Piece in the Puzzle
The outstanding discrepancy between the measured and calculated (local-density
approximation) Fermi surfaces in the well-characterized, paramagnetic Fermi liquid Sr 2 …
approximation) Fermi surfaces in the well-characterized, paramagnetic Fermi liquid Sr 2 …