Linear electro-optic effect in silicon nitride waveguides enabled by electric-field poling
Stoichiometric silicon nitride (Si3N4) is one of the most mature integrated photonic platforms
for linear and nonlinear optical applications on-chip. However, because it is a …
for linear and nonlinear optical applications on-chip. However, because it is a …
[HTML][HTML] Theoretical modelling of ion exchange processes in glass: advances and challenges
In the last few years, some advances have been made in the theoretical modelling of ion
exchange processes in glass. On the one hand, the equations that describe the evolution of …
exchange processes in glass. On the one hand, the equations that describe the evolution of …
Broadband 200-nm second-harmonic generation in silicon in the telecom band
Silicon is well known for its strong third-order optical nonlinearity, exhibiting efficient
supercontinuum and four-wave mixing processes. A strong second-order effect that is …
supercontinuum and four-wave mixing processes. A strong second-order effect that is …
Poled glasses and poled fibre devices
1.1 Overview Silica glass is technologically very important, especially in
telecommunications, because of its excellent properties such as strength and the ability to …
telecommunications, because of its excellent properties such as strength and the ability to …
Study of thermally poled fibers with a two-dimensional model
A two-dimensional (2D) numerical model is implemented to describe the movement of ions
under thermal poling for the specific case of optical fibers. Three types of cations are …
under thermal poling for the specific case of optical fibers. Three types of cations are …
Polarization of glass containing fast and slow ions
Polarization of glass containing fast and slow ions | Journal of Applied Physics | AIP Publishing
Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP Publishing …
Skip to Main Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP Publishing …
Measurement of symmetry in a poled fiber
We measure the values of individual χ (2) tensor components in a birefringent periodically
poled silica fiber through spectrally separated type I and type II second-harmonic …
poled silica fiber through spectrally separated type I and type II second-harmonic …
Depletion layer formation in alkali silicate glasses by electro-thermal poling
C McLaren, M Balabajew, M Gellert… - Journal of The …, 2016 -
Electro-thermal poling of alkali-containing glasses has been known to enhance various
physical and chemical properties due to the formation of an alkali ion depletion layer. We …
physical and chemical properties due to the formation of an alkali ion depletion layer. We …
Spatially periodical poling of silica glass
The process of poling of silica glass using periodical anodic electrode, or, the same, electric
field imprinting of periodical structure in silica glass is modeled. We studied the influence of …
field imprinting of periodical structure in silica glass is modeled. We studied the influence of …
Second-harmonic generation in thermally poled chalcohalide glass
Second-harmonic generation in 60 GeS 2–20 Ga 2 S 3–20 KBr chalcohalide glass was
investigated by the thermal poling method. A large second-order nonlinear susceptibility, as …
investigated by the thermal poling method. A large second-order nonlinear susceptibility, as …