[PDF][PDF] Development and characterization of milk fermented with Viili added of Curcuma longa.

NR Ricardo, ML de Moraes Filho, PHF Cardines… - 2023 - chimie-biologie.ubm.ro
The promotion of health through proper nutrition is a growing concern in daily lives of many
people, so the demand for functional foods is increasing. This study aimed to develop a …

Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics on Metabolic Diseases Targeting Gut Microbiota

P Ray, MA Faseeh, D Adak, H Sharma - Synbiotics in Metabolic … - taylorfrancis.com
Globally, metabolic disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes
have become epidemics, resulting in significant financial and health-related expenses …

[PDF][PDF] A New Functional Ingredient in Functional Meat Products: Postbiotic

EC KAYNAKCI - jbst-nku.github.io
To be healthy does not necessarily imply the absence of disease or disability. Health is
rather a state of complete wellbeing in terms of physical, spiritual, and social aspects …

[PDF][PDF] Microalgal Postbiotics: A Sustainable Approach to Modern Health Challenges

D ŞAHİN - BIDGE Publications, 2023 - bidgeyayinlari.com.tr
In the ever-develo** field of microbial ecology and its products related to human and
animal health, there is a growing interest in obtaining a wide variety of new bioactive …


PPJG Besar - dgb.ugm.ac.id
Dalam suasana yang membahagiakan ini, marilah kita awali dengan memanjatkan syukur
alhamdulillah ke hadirat Allah Swt., atas segala rahmat dan hidayah yang selalu …