Is thematic analysis used well in health psychology? A critical review of published research, with recommendations for quality practice and reporting
Despite the persistent dominance of a 'scientific psychology'paradigm in health psychology,
the use of qualitative research continues to grow. Qualitative approaches are often based on …
the use of qualitative research continues to grow. Qualitative approaches are often based on …
Optimising the value of the critical appraisal skills programme (CASP) tool for quality appraisal in qualitative evidence synthesis
The value of qualitative evidence synthesis for informing healthcare policy and practice
within evidence-based medicine is increasingly recognised. However, there is a lack of …
within evidence-based medicine is increasingly recognised. However, there is a lack of …
Thematic analysis: A practical guide
Developed and adapted by the authors of this book, thematic analysis (TA) is one of the
most popular qualitative data analytic techniques in psychology and the social and health …
most popular qualitative data analytic techniques in psychology and the social and health …
Conceptual and design thinking for thematic analysis.
Thematic analysis (TA) is widely used in qualitative psychology. In using TA, researchers
must choose between a diverse range of approaches that can differ considerably in their …
must choose between a diverse range of approaches that can differ considerably in their …
Qualitative methods with Nvivo software: A practical guide for analyzing qualitative data
From 1995–2016, there has been a 15-fold increase in qualitative scholarship in the social
sciences, but the rigor and quality of published work has ranged widely. Little scholarship …
sciences, but the rigor and quality of published work has ranged widely. Little scholarship …
A systematic qualitative case study: questions, data collection, NVivo analysis and saturation
MK Alam - … Research in Organizations and Management: An …, 2021 -
Purpose The study aims to explore the case study method with the formation of questions,
data collection procedures and analysis, followed by how and on which position the …
data collection procedures and analysis, followed by how and on which position the …
Applying core quality criteria of mixed methods research to an empirical study
M Hirose, JW Creswell - Journal of Mixed Methods …, 2023 -
Quality criteria have been advanced for the mixed methods field, but the elements are often
too numerous for new researchers, do not incorporate diverse perspectives (eg …
too numerous for new researchers, do not incorporate diverse perspectives (eg …
To saturate or not to saturate? Questioning data saturation as a useful concept for thematic analysis and sample-size rationales
The concept of data saturation, defined as 'information redundancy'or the point at which no
new themes or codes 'emerge'from data, is widely referenced in thematic analysis (TA) …
new themes or codes 'emerge'from data, is widely referenced in thematic analysis (TA) …
Upending racism in psychological science: Strategies to change how science is conducted, reported, reviewed, and disseminated.
As efforts to end systemic racism gain momentum across various contexts, it is critical to
consider antiracist steps needed to improve psychological science. Current scientific …
consider antiracist steps needed to improve psychological science. Current scientific …
Reasons for resistance to change in nursing: an integrative review
Background Change is a very complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is intertwined
with the understanding of nursing practice, so, resistance to change in nursing can be …
with the understanding of nursing practice, so, resistance to change in nursing can be …