[HTML][HTML] Labor market regulations and firm adjustments in skill demand

A Bottasso, M Bratti, G Cardullo, M Conti… - Journal of Public …, 2025 - Elsevier
We study how changes in labor market regulations may trigger firm adjustments in skill
demand. Leveraging rich administrative data from Italy, we investigate the effects of a reform …

Let's roll back! The challenging task of regulating temporary contracts

D Fiaschi, C Tealdi - arxiv preprint arxiv:2401.17971, 2024 - arxiv.org
In this paper, we evaluate the impact of a reform introduced in Italy in 2018 (Decreto
Dignit\a), which increased the rigidity of employment protection legislation (EPL) of …

The impact of restricting fixed-term contracts on labor and skill demand

G Grasso, K Tatsiramos - 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper examines the impact of increasing the relative cost of fixed-term contracts on
labor demand as well as the demand for standard measures of human capital and specific …

The Role of Industries in Rising Inequality

J Briskar, E Di Porto, JV Rodriguez Mora, C Tealdi - 2023 - econstor.eu
We analyse thirty years of Italian private sector employment data (1985-2018) to study the
dynamics of rising earnings inequality. The total variance surged by 10 log points, with 55 …

A general methodology to measure labour market dynamics

D Fiaschi, C Tealdi - arxiv preprint arxiv:2104.01097, 2021 - arxiv.org
We propose a general methodology to measure labour market dynamics, inspired by the
search and matching framework, based on the estimate of the transition rates between …

[PDF][PDF] The long journey to permanent employment

D Fiaschi, C Tealdi - 2024 - aiel.it
We propose the expected hitting time, ie, the average time it takes to individuals from any
labour market state to achieve permanent employment, as a new indicator to assess the …

[PDF][PDF] Il lavoro: fra diseguaglianze salariali e divari di genere di Lorenzo Cappellari, Marco Ovidi, Matteo Sandi e Elena Villar

MO di Lorenzo Cappellari - dipartimenti.unicatt.it
Analogamente a quanto accaduto nelle principali economie avanzate, anche l'Italia ha
registrato nel 2023 una sorta di esplosione occupazionale, che ha portato alla creazione …