Modelling the passive microwave signature from land surfaces: A review of recent results and application to the L-band SMOS & SMAP soil moisture retrieval …
Two passive microwave missions are currently operating at L-band to monitor surface soil
moisture (SM) over continental surfaces. The SMOS sensor, based on an innovative …
moisture (SM) over continental surfaces. The SMOS sensor, based on an innovative …
Four decades of microwave satellite soil moisture observations: Part 1. A review of retrieval algorithms
The satellite based passive (radiometer) and active (radar) microwave sensors enhanced
our ability to retrieve soil moisture at global scales. It has been almost four decades since …
our ability to retrieve soil moisture at global scales. It has been almost four decades since …
The SMOS mission: New tool for monitoring key elements ofthe global water cycle
It is now well understood that data on soil moisture and sea surface salinity (SSS) are
required to improve meteorological and climate predictions. These two quantities are not yet …
required to improve meteorological and climate predictions. These two quantities are not yet …
A first assessment of satellite and reanalysis estimates of surface and root-zone soil moisture over the permafrost region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Long-term and high-quality surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM)
data is crucial for understanding the land-atmosphere interactions of the Qinghai-Tibet …
data is crucial for understanding the land-atmosphere interactions of the Qinghai-Tibet …
SMOS-IC: An alternative SMOS soil moisture and vegetation optical depth product
The main goal of the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission over land surfaces is
the production of global maps of soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth (τ) based …
the production of global maps of soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth (τ) based …
The SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm
The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is European Space Agency (ESA's)
second Earth Explorer Opportunity mission, launched in November 2009. It is a joint …
second Earth Explorer Opportunity mission, launched in November 2009. It is a joint …
Evaluation of satellite and reanalysis estimates of surface and root-zone soil moisture in croplands of Jiangsu Province, China
High-quality and long-term surface soil moisture (SSM) and root-zone soil moisture (RZSM)
data are critical for agricultural water management of Jiangsu province, which is a major …
data are critical for agricultural water management of Jiangsu province, which is a major …
Two-step fusion method for generating 1 km seamless multi-layer soil moisture with high accuracy in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
Current remote sensing techniques fail to observe and generate large scale multi-layer soil
moisture (SM) due to the inherent features of the satellite sensors. The lack of …
moisture (SM) due to the inherent features of the satellite sensors. The lack of …
Evaluating soil moisture retrievals from ESA's SMOS and NASA's SMAP brightness temperature datasets
Two satellites are currently monitoring surface soil moisture (SM) using L-band
observations: SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), a joint ESA (European Space …
observations: SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), a joint ESA (European Space …
Comprehensive analysis of alternative downscaled soil moisture products
Recent advances in L-band passive microwave remote sensing provide an unprecedented
opportunity to monitor soil moisture at~ 40 km spatial resolution around the globe …
opportunity to monitor soil moisture at~ 40 km spatial resolution around the globe …