[HTML][HTML] How do corporate social responsibility and corporate governance affect stock price crash risk?
We investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate
governance on stock price crash risk in manufacturing sector of India and Pakistan. We …
governance on stock price crash risk in manufacturing sector of India and Pakistan. We …
[HTML][HTML] Board gender diversity and stock price crash risk: Going beyond tokenism
We empirically examine the role of board gender diversity in influencing stock price crash
risk at the firm-level in twelve (12) Asia-Pacific Markets. Using a dataset comprising data …
risk at the firm-level in twelve (12) Asia-Pacific Markets. Using a dataset comprising data …
Tournament incentives and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China
In this study, we investigate the association between tournament incentives and firms' stock
price crash risk in China. Incentives for promotion towards the highest level in the corporate …
price crash risk in China. Incentives for promotion towards the highest level in the corporate …
Managerial ownership and stock price crash risk: a case of Iranian firms
A Haghighi, M Safari Gerayli - … Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern …, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Increasing managerial ownership gives rise to the managerial opportunistic
behaviors, among which bad news hoarding has attracted a lot of attention. Nevertheless …
behaviors, among which bad news hoarding has attracted a lot of attention. Nevertheless …
Celebrity shareholders and corporate risk: Based on empirical evidence gathered from Chinese companies listed on the New Third Board
J Liu, W Tang, X Zhao - Journal of Applied Economics, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Using the 2014 to 2019 Forbes China Celebrity Lists, this study empirically
examined the relationship between celebrity shareholders and corporate risk. The findings …
examined the relationship between celebrity shareholders and corporate risk. The findings …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of free cash flows on stock crash risk with focused on the role of earnings smoothing
M Taheri, N Hadadi - Journal of Financial Management Perspective, 2022 - jfmp.sbu.ac.ir
†*** With the expansion of the capital market in Iran, it is important to pay attention to the
factors that have an effect on the decision-making of market participants and during recent …
factors that have an effect on the decision-making of market participants and during recent …
تاثیر جریان های نقد آزاد بر ریسک سقوط قیمت سهام با تاکید بر نقش تعدیلی هموارسازی سود در شرکت های عضو بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
ماندانا طاهری, نفیسه حدادی - … /Chashm/&āz-i Mudīriyyat-i Mālī, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
With the expansion of the capital market in Iran, it is important to pay attention to the factors
that have an effect on the decision-making of market participants and during recent years …
that have an effect on the decision-making of market participants and during recent years …
تاثیر جریانهای نقد آزاد بر ریسک سقوط قیمت سهام با تاکید بر نقش تعدیلی مدیریت سود در شرکتهای عضو بورس اوراق بهادار تهران
طاهری, حدادی - چشم انداز مدیریت مالی, 2022 - scj.sbu.ac.ir
با توسعه بازار سرمایه در ایران، توجه به عواملی که به نحوی بر تصمیمگیری فعالین بازار موثر
است، از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است و طی سالهای اخیر، مساله ریسک سقوط قیمت سهام بهعنوان یکی …
است، از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است و طی سالهای اخیر، مساله ریسک سقوط قیمت سهام بهعنوان یکی …
Essays on the determinant and consequence of tournament incentives: evidence from China: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree …
L Sun - 2020 - mro.massey.ac.nz
This research investigates the determinant and consequence of tournament incentives using
data of publicly listed Chinese firms. Understanding the role of the tournament incentive and …
data of publicly listed Chinese firms. Understanding the role of the tournament incentive and …
대표이사의 주식소유비중과 주가급락위험
김호현 - Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society, 2020 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구에서는 우리나라 상장기업을 대상으로 대표이사의 주식보유가 주가급락위험에 미치는
영향을 분석한다. 대표이사가 주주보다 자신의 이익을 위하여 정보를 통제하는 경우 결국엔 …
영향을 분석한다. 대표이사가 주주보다 자신의 이익을 위하여 정보를 통제하는 경우 결국엔 …