Bio-inspired flap** wing robots with foldable or deformable wings: a review
J Zhang, N Zhao, F Qu - Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Traditional flap**-wing robots (FWRs) obtain lift and thrust by relying on the passive
deformation of their wings which cannot actively fold or deform. In contrast, flying creatures …
deformation of their wings which cannot actively fold or deform. In contrast, flying creatures …
Unsteady aerodynamic modeling of Aerobat using lifting line theory and Wagner's function
Flying animals possess highly complex physical characteristics and are capable of
performing agile maneuvers using their wings. The flap** wings generate complex wake …
performing agile maneuvers using their wings. The flap** wings generate complex wake …
A morphology-centered view towards describing bats dynamically versatile wing conformations
Bats exhibit a remarkable ability to create periodic air jets, manifested as pulsating wake
structures downstream of their flight path, as they navigate through their fluidic environment …
structures downstream of their flight path, as they navigate through their fluidic environment …
Trajectory generation and tracking control for flap** wing robot three-dimensional flight
This article presents both the trajectory generation and tracking control strategies for an
underactuated flap** wing aerial vehicle (FWAV). First, the FWAV dynamics is analyzed in …
underactuated flap** wing aerial vehicle (FWAV). First, the FWAV dynamics is analyzed in …
An integrated mechanical intelligence and control approach towards flight control of aerobat
Our goal in this work is to expand the theory and practice of robot locomotion by addressing
critical challenges associated with the robotic biomimicry of bat aerial locomotion. Bats are …
critical challenges associated with the robotic biomimicry of bat aerial locomotion. Bats are …
Aerobat, A Bioinspired Drone to Test High-DOF Actuation and Embodied Aerial Locomotion
A Ramezani, E Sihite - ar** drone called Aerobat.
This drone, capable of producing dynamically versatile wing conformations, possesses 14 …
This drone, capable of producing dynamically versatile wing conformations, possesses 14 …
Actuation and flight control of high-dof dynamic morphing wing flight by shifting structure response
Bat's dynamically morphing wings are highly versatile with many active and passive modes
which allows them to display highly dexterous flight maneuvers. We take inspiration from bat …
which allows them to display highly dexterous flight maneuvers. We take inspiration from bat …
Orientation stabilization in a bioinspired bat-robot using integrated mechanical intelligence and control
Our goal in this work is to expand the theory and practice of robot locomotion by addressing
critical challenges associated with the robotic biomimicry of bat aerial locomotion. Bats …
critical challenges associated with the robotic biomimicry of bat aerial locomotion. Bats …
Hovering control of flap** wings in tandem with multi-rotors
This work briefly covers our efforts to stabilize the flight dynamics of Northeatern's tailless bat-
inspired micro aerial vehicle, Aerobat. Flap** robots are not new. A plethora of examples …
inspired micro aerial vehicle, Aerobat. Flap** robots are not new. A plethora of examples …
Mechanical design and fabrication of a kinetic sculpture with application to bioinspired drone design
Biologically-inspired robots are a very interesting and difficult branch of robotics dues to its
very rich dynamical and morphological complexities. Among them, flying animals, such as …
very rich dynamical and morphological complexities. Among them, flying animals, such as …