[HTML][HTML] An integration of geospatial and fuzzy-logic techniques for multi-hazard map**

M Gohil, D Mehta, M Shaikh - Results in Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
A hazard is a natural occurrence that might harm humans, animals or the environment. It
may cause loss of life, illness or other health consequences, property damage, social and …

Machine learning approaches for improving precipitation forecasting in the Ambica River basin of Navsari District, Gujarat

D Baudhanwala, D Mehta, V Kumar - Water Practice & Technology, 2024 - iwaponline.com
The article examines machine learning models for precipitation forecasting in the Ambica
River basin, addressing the important requirement for accurate hydrological forecasts in …

Development of flood forecasting and warning system using hybrid approach of ensemble and hydrological model for Dharoi Dam

A Patel, SM Yadav - Water Practice & Technology, 2023 - iwaponline.com
The most frequent natural disaster is flooding. Advanced forecasting systems are lacking in
develo** countries. The majority of urban areas are located close to flood plains for rivers …

Spatial Approach to Assess Multidimensional Vulnerability to Urban Flooding: A Proposal for Indicators

ANG Vaca, I Rodríguez-Roda, LA Popartan… - 2024 - researchsquare.com
This study introduces a methodology for evaluating vulnerability to urban flooding across
different dimensions, by employing spatial data analysis. The methodology consists of four …

Analyzing Web-Based Flood Forecasting, Warning and Evacuation Application's Design and Development Processes in the State of Sabah

IAA Bahar, NH Husin, H Ismail, A Kadir… - 2023 18th Iberian …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Using the systems engineering process (SEP) framework, the paper carefully delineates the
design and development processes of the flood warning systems application for the State of …

Towards Sustainable Water Management: A Holistic Approach for Hydrological Modelling and Flood Frequency Analysis for Upper Sabarmati River Basin

K Patel, A Patel - International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure …, 2023 - Springer
Rainfall affects India's economy and agricultural activities, which largely rely on it. From
Rajasthan's arid deserts to the northeast's heavy rainfall, India's rainfall patterns vary. India …

[PDF][PDF] Results in Engineering

M Gohil, D Mehta, M Shaikh - researchgate.net
ABSTRACT A hazard is a natural occurrence that might harm humans, animals or the
environment. It may cause loss of life, illness or other health consequences, property …

[PDF][PDF] corrected Proof

D Baudhanwalaa, D Mehta, V Kumarb - researchgate.net
The article examines machine learning models for precipitation forecasting in the Ambica
River basin, addressing the important requirement for accurate hydrological forecasts in …

[PDF][PDF] Results in Engineering

A Patel, D Vyas, N Chaudhari, R Patel, K Patel… - researchgate.net
Connections are important elements of precast structures as they introduce discontinuity
between the elements affecting strength and stiffness. In the present study, locally available …