Polylogarithmic-time deterministic network decomposition and distributed derandomization
We present a simple polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed algorithm for network
decomposition. This improves on a celebrated 2 O (√ log n)-time algorithm of Panconesi …
decomposition. This improves on a celebrated 2 O (√ log n)-time algorithm of Panconesi …
An exponential separation between randomized and deterministic complexity in the LOCAL model
Over the past 30 years numerous algorithms have been designed for symmetry breaking
problems in the LOCAL model, such as maximal matching, MIS, vertex coloring, and edge …
problems in the LOCAL model, such as maximal matching, MIS, vertex coloring, and edge …
Sublinear algorithms for (Δ+ 1) vertex coloring
Any graph with maximum degree Δ admits a proper vertex coloring with Δ+ 1 colors that can
be found via a simple sequential greedy algorithm in linear time and space. But can one find …
be found via a simple sequential greedy algorithm in linear time and space. But can one find …
On derandomizing local distributed algorithms
The gap between the known randomized and deterministic local distributed algorithms
underlies arguably the most fundamental and central open question in distributed graph …
underlies arguably the most fundamental and central open question in distributed graph …
The complexity of (Δ+ 1) coloring in congested clique, massively parallel computation, and centralized local computation
In this paper, we present new randomized algorithms that improve the complexity of the
classic (Δ+ 1)-coloring problem, and its generalization (Δ+ 1)-list-coloring, in three well …
classic (Δ+ 1)-coloring problem, and its generalization (Δ+ 1)-list-coloring, in three well …
Deterministic distributed vertex coloring: Simpler, faster, and without network decomposition
We present a simple deterministic distributed algorithm that computes a (Δ+1)-vertex
coloring in O(log^2Δ.log\n) rounds. The algorithm can be implemented with O(log\n)-bit …
coloring in O(log^2Δ.log\n) rounds. The algorithm can be implemented with O(log\n)-bit …
Faster deterministic distributed MIS and approximate matching
We present an Õ (log2 n) round deterministic distributed algorithm for the maximal
independent set problem. By known reductions, this round complexity extends also to …
independent set problem. By known reductions, this round complexity extends also to …
Brooks' theorem in graph streams: a single-pass semi-streaming algorithm for∆-coloring
Every graph with maximum degree Δ can be colored with (Δ+ 1) colors using a simple
greedy algorithm. Remarkably, recent work has shown that one can find such a coloring …
greedy algorithm. Remarkably, recent work has shown that one can find such a coloring …
Distributed maximal independent set using small messages
M Ghaffari - Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM …, 2019 - SIAM
Abstract Maximal Independent Set (MIS) is one of the central problems in distributed graph
algorithms. The celebrated works of Luby [STOC'85] and Alon, Babai, and Itai [JALG'86] …
algorithms. The celebrated works of Luby [STOC'85] and Alon, Babai, and Itai [JALG'86] …
Local conflict coloring revisited: Linial for lists
Linial's famous color reduction algorithm reduces a given $ m $-coloring of a graph with
maximum degree $\Delta $ to a $ O (\Delta^ 2\log m) $-coloring, in a single round in the …
maximum degree $\Delta $ to a $ O (\Delta^ 2\log m) $-coloring, in a single round in the …