FLEET velocimetry for aerodynamics
Long-lasting emission from femtosecond excitation of nitrogen-based flows shows promise
as a useful mechanism for a molecular tagging velocimetry instrument. The technique …
as a useful mechanism for a molecular tagging velocimetry instrument. The technique …
Megahertz-rate OH planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging in a rotating detonation combustor
Megahertz-rate hydroxyl radical planar laser-induced fluorescence (OH-PLIF) was
demonstrated in a hydrogen/air rotating detonation combustor for the first time, to the best of …
demonstrated in a hydrogen/air rotating detonation combustor for the first time, to the best of …
Flow-tagging velocimetry for hypersonic flows using fluorescence of nitric oxide
We demonstrate a new variation of molecular-tagging velocimetry for hypersonic ows based
on laser-induced uorescence. A thin line of nitric-oxide molecules is excited with a laser …
on laser-induced uorescence. A thin line of nitric-oxide molecules is excited with a laser …
Non-intrusive measurement techniques for flow characterization of hypersonic wind tunnels
PM Danehy, J Weisberger, C Johansen, D Reese… - 2018 - ntrs.nasa.gov
This manuscript describes the wide variety of optical measurement techniques for
characterizing the flow in hypersonic wind tunnels. The introduction briefly describes …
characterizing the flow in hypersonic wind tunnels. The introduction briefly describes …
Krypton tagging velocimetry of an underexpanded jet
In this work, we present the excitation/emission strategy, experimental setup, and results of
an implementation of krypton tagging velocimetry (KTV). KTV is performed as follows:(i) …
an implementation of krypton tagging velocimetry (KTV). KTV is performed as follows:(i) …
Application of optical measurement techniques to supersonic and hypersonic aerospace flows
Experimental investigation is essential to improve the understanding of aerospace flows.
During the last years, effort has been put on the development of optical diagnostics capable …
During the last years, effort has been put on the development of optical diagnostics capable …
100 kHz high-spectral-resolution NO-PLIF measurements for compressible flows
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2023-0405. vid In the present work, we
use a burst-mode laser and optical parametric oscillator system to perform high-spectral …
use a burst-mode laser and optical parametric oscillator system to perform high-spectral …
Single-Laser Krypton Tagging Velocimetry Investigation of Supersonic Air and Boundary-Layer Flows over a Hollow Cylinder in a Shock Tube
In this paper, we investigate the boundary-layer profiles that form over a sharp, hollow
cylinder in supersonic air and N 2 flows with a krypton tagging velocimetry (KTV) single …
cylinder in supersonic air and N 2 flows with a krypton tagging velocimetry (KTV) single …
NO PLIF imaging in the CUBRC 48-inch shock tunnel
Nitric oxide planar laser-induced fluorescence (NO PLIF) imaging is demonstrated at a 10-
kHz repetition rate in the Calspan University at Buffalo Research Center's (CUBRC) 48-inch …
kHz repetition rate in the Calspan University at Buffalo Research Center's (CUBRC) 48-inch …
Pressure, temperature and velocity measurements in underexpanded free jets using laser-induced fluorescence imaging
We report measurements of pressure, temperature, and velocity in an underexpanded jet
using planar laserinduced fluorescence of nitric oxide. Ultraviolet transitions near 44; 097: 5 …
using planar laserinduced fluorescence of nitric oxide. Ultraviolet transitions near 44; 097: 5 …