Delay-sensitive video computing in the cloud: A survey
While cloud servers provide a tremendous amount of resources for networked video
applications, most successful stories of cloud-assisted video applications are presentational …
applications, most successful stories of cloud-assisted video applications are presentational …
An analysis of video transcoding in multi-core cloud environment
In recent years, watching video online has become a popular form of infotainment. Online
Video on Demand (VoD) services allows users to view video content such as user …
Video on Demand (VoD) services allows users to view video content such as user …
[KNYGA][B] Toward a general parametric model for assessing the impact of video transcoding on objective video quality
NON Alsrehin - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Video transcoding can cause degradation to an original video. Currently, there is no general
model that assesses the impact of video transcoding on video quality. Such a model could …
model that assesses the impact of video transcoding on video quality. Such a model could …
Just-in-time video transcoding system on heterogeneous high performance computing architectures
I Piljić - 2019 - dr.nsk.hr
Latest analysis show that 82% of global IP traffic will be video traffic by 2022. Handling this
amount of data is a very challenging task for video content providers. Another factor that …
amount of data is a very challenging task for video content providers. Another factor that …