Physics of strongly coupled quark–gluon plasma
E Shuryak - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2009 - Elsevier
This review covers our current understanding of strongly coupled Quark–Gluon Plasma
(sQGP), especially theoretical progress in:(i) explaining the RHIC data by hydrodynamics;(ii) …
(sQGP), especially theoretical progress in:(i) explaining the RHIC data by hydrodynamics;(ii) …
Relativistic anisotropic hydrodynamics
In this paper we review recent progress in relativistic anisotropic hydrodynamics. We begin
with a pedagogical introduction to the topic which takes into account the advances in our …
with a pedagogical introduction to the topic which takes into account the advances in our …
On the perturbative expansion at high temperature and implications for cosmological phase transitions
O Gould, TVI Tenkanen - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract We revisit the perturbative expansion at high temperature and investigate its
convergence by inspecting the renormalisation scale dependence of the effective potential …
convergence by inspecting the renormalisation scale dependence of the effective potential …
Cold quark matter
We perform an O (α s 2) perturbative calculation of the equation of state of cold but dense
QCD matter with two massless and one massive quark flavor, finding that perturbation theory …
QCD matter with two massless and one massive quark flavor, finding that perturbation theory …
[KNJIGA][B] The CBM physics book: Compressed baryonic matter in laboratory experiments
B Friman, C Höhne, J Knoll, S Leupold, J Randrup… - 2011 -
This exhaustive survey is the result of a four year effort by many leading researchers in the
field to produce both a readable introduction and a yardstick for the many upcoming …
field to produce both a readable introduction and a yardstick for the many upcoming …
Jet physics in heavy-ion collisions
Jets are expected to play a prominent role in the ongoing efforts to characterize the hot and
dense QCD medium created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. The success of this …
dense QCD medium created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. The success of this …
Robust approach to thermal resummation: Standard Model meets a singlet
PM Schicho, TVI Tenkanen, J Österman - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract Perturbation theory alone fails to describe thermodynamics of the electroweak
phase transition. We review a technique combining perturbative and non-perturbative …
phase transition. We review a technique combining perturbative and non-perturbative …
Effective field theory approach to thermal bubble nucleation
O Gould, J Hirvonen - Physical Review D, 2021 - APS
The standard vacuum bounce formalism suffers from inconsistencies when applied to
thermal bubble nucleation, for which ad hoc workarounds are commonly adopted …
thermal bubble nucleation, for which ad hoc workarounds are commonly adopted …
Higher orders for cosmological phase transitions: a global study in a Yukawa model
O Gould, C **e - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023 - Springer
A bstract We perform a state-of-the-art global study of the cosmological thermal histories of a
simple Yukawa model, and find higher perturbative orders to be important for determining …
simple Yukawa model, and find higher perturbative orders to be important for determining …
[HTML][HTML] Baryonic screening masses in QCD at high temperature
We compute the baryonic screening masses of the nucleon and of its negative parity partner
in thermal QCD with N f= 3 massless quarks for a wide range of temperatures, from T∼ 1 …
in thermal QCD with N f= 3 massless quarks for a wide range of temperatures, from T∼ 1 …