Correlation-aware QoS modeling and manufacturing cloud service composition

H **, X Yao, Y Chen - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017 - Springer
Recently, cloud manufacturing has attracted much attention from both academic and
industry communities. Manufacturing cloud service composition and optimization is critical to …

A collaborative mobile edge computing and user solution for service composition in 5G systems

I Al Ridhawi, M Aloqaily, Y Kotb… - Transactions on …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Mobile edge computing (MEC) is an emergent technology that has revolutionized traditional
cloud service solutions. Mobile edge computing extends cloud computing by providing …

Correlation-aware resource service composition and optimal-selection in manufacturing grid

F Tao, D Zhao, H Yefa, Z Zhou - European Journal of Operational Research, 2010 - Elsevier
For a multi-resource service request task (MRSRTask) in manufacturing grid (MGrid) system,
in addition to the search for all qualified resource services according to each subtask, the …

Service composition issues in pervasive computing

J Bronsted, KM Hansen… - IEEE Pervasive …, 2009 -
Combining existing services to create new pervasive computing services involves special
design considerations, including context awareness, contingency management, device …

A ranking chaos algorithm for dual scheduling of cloud service and computing resource in private cloud

Y Laili, F Tao, L Zhang, Y Cheng, Y Luo, BR Sarker - Computers in Industry, 2013 - Elsevier
Private cloud as an important branch of cloud computing has brought significant benefit to
many kinds of conglomerates in resource sharing. With central management of centre …

Semantics-based context-aware dynamic service composition

K Fujii, T Suda - ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive …, 2009 -
This article presents a semantics-based context-aware dynamic service composition
framework that composes an application through combining distributed components based …

Shape-based 3D surface correspondence using geodesics and local geometry

Y Wang, BS Peterson, LH Staib - … IEEE Conference on …, 2000 -
This paper describes a new method for determining correspondence between points on
pairs of surfaces based on shape using a combination of geodesic distance and surface …

Eager normal form bisimulation

S Lassen - 20th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer …, 2005 -
This paper describes two new bisimulation equivalences for the pure untyped call-by-
value/spl lambda/-calculus, called enf bisimilarity and enf bisimilarity up to/spl eta/. They are …

Workflow-net based service composition using mobile edge nodes

I Al Ridhawi, Y Kotb, Y Al Ridhawi - IEEE Access, 2017 -
Content delivery through cloud networks has gained popularity due to the cloud's ability to
provide on-demand services. However, composite services, such as customized multimedia …

A survey on service composition middleware in pervasive environments

N Ibrahim, FL Mouel - arxiv preprint arxiv:0909.2183, 2009 -
The development of pervasive computing has put the light on a challenging problem: how to
dynamically compose services in heterogeneous and highly changing environments? We …