[HTML][HTML] Mutual impact of true triaxial stress, borehole orientation and bedding inclination on laboratory hydraulic fracturing of Lushan shale
Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and
development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale …
development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale …
The Furongian to Lower Ordovician Alum Shale Formation in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems in the Baltic Basin–A review
The organic carbon-and uranium-rich, marine Alum Shale Formation in northwestern
Europe (Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) to Early Ordovician) was deposited in the Baltic …
Europe (Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) to Early Ordovician) was deposited in the Baltic …
Geomechanical characterisation of organic-rich calcareous shale using AFM and nanoindentation
The geomechanical integrity of shale overburden is a highly significant geological risk factor
for a range of engineering and energy-related applications including CO _2 2 storage and …
for a range of engineering and energy-related applications including CO _2 2 storage and …
Experimental study on brittle-to-ductile transition mechanism of lower Silurian organic-rich shale in south China
G Cheng, B Jiang, F Li, M Li, Y Song, C Hou - International Journal of Rock …, 2023 - Elsevier
Brittle-ductile transition conditions and mechanisms are key scientific issues embedded in
the reservoir deformation-related difficulties faced during shale gas exploration and …
the reservoir deformation-related difficulties faced during shale gas exploration and …
High‐Resolution Imaging of the 2.9 August 2019 Earthquake in Lancashire, United Kingdom, Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing during Preston New Road PNR‐2 …
Hydraulic fracturing (HF) at Preston New Road (PNR), Lancashire, United Kingdom, in
August 2019, induced a number of felt earthquakes. The largest event (ML 2.9) occurred on …
August 2019, induced a number of felt earthquakes. The largest event (ML 2.9) occurred on …
Mechanical behavior of brittle ductile transition in rocks at different depths
H XIE, M GAO, C FU, Y LU, M YANG, J HU… - Journal of China Coal …, 2021 - mtxb.com.cn
The mechanical behavior of brittle ductile transition in rocks is one of the essential
components of deep rock mechanics, as well as a key factor that impacts the safe and …
components of deep rock mechanics, as well as a key factor that impacts the safe and …
Effects of CO2-saturated brine imbibition on the mechanical and seepage characteristics of Longmaxi shale
Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC–CO 2) serves as a promising anhydrous fracturing fluid
that has the potential to simultaneously enhance shale gas recovery and accomplish CO 2 …
that has the potential to simultaneously enhance shale gas recovery and accomplish CO 2 …
Effect of diagenesis on geomechanical properties of organic‐rich calcareous shale: A multiscale investigation
This study investigates the nano to core‐scale geomechanical properties of a maturity series
of organic‐rich, calcareous shales buried to 100° C–180° C, with a focus on:(a) the …
of organic‐rich, calcareous shales buried to 100° C–180° C, with a focus on:(a) the …
Creep deformation in Vaca Muerta shale from nanoindentation to triaxial experiments
We tested samples cored from the Vaca Muerta shale reservoir using nanoindentation (2
min) and triaxial (12 hr) creep experiments in which confining pressure and differential …
min) and triaxial (12 hr) creep experiments in which confining pressure and differential …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental deformation of shales at elevated temperature and pressure: Pore-crack system evolution and its effects on shale gas reservoirs
YW Ju, XG Hou, K Han, Y Song, L **ao, C Huang… - Petroleum Science, 2024 - Elsevier
Although many studies based on naturally deformed samples have been carried out to
investigate the pore-crack characteristics of shales, studies based on high temperature (T) …
investigate the pore-crack characteristics of shales, studies based on high temperature (T) …