The conservation of the endangered Mediterranean common dolphin (Delphinus delphis): Current knowledge and research priorities
Preservation of endangered species is now recognized as a relevant component of regional
and global conservation actions achieved through the maintenance of the remaining …
and global conservation actions achieved through the maintenance of the remaining …
[HTML][HTML] Niche partitioning amongst northwestern Mediterranean cetaceans using stable isotopes
Ten species of cetaceans coexist in the Mediterranean Sea, one of the richest seas in
biodiversity and endemisms worldwide. The conservation status of Mediterranean …
biodiversity and endemisms worldwide. The conservation status of Mediterranean …
Living apart together: Niche partitioning among Alboran Sea cetaceans
Co-occurring species are expected to distribute themselves unevenly throughout ecological
niche dimensions to avoid competitive exclusion. However, few studies have previously …
niche dimensions to avoid competitive exclusion. However, few studies have previously …
Feeding ecology of Mediterranean common dolphins: The importance of mesopelagic fish in the diet of an endangered subpopulation
The Mediterranean subpopulation of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is classified as
endangered by the IUCN. Still, information about their diet in the Mediterranean is scarce …
endangered by the IUCN. Still, information about their diet in the Mediterranean is scarce …
[HTML][HTML] Cetaceans as sentinels for informing climate change policy in UK waters
Climate change is predicted to have profound consequences for marine ecosystems. Due to
the growing political and social drive to address its impacts, monitoring and mitigating …
the growing political and social drive to address its impacts, monitoring and mitigating …
Intra-specific Niche Partitioning in Antarctic Fur Seals, Arctocephalus gazella
Competition for resources within a population can lead to niche partitioning between sexes,
throughout ontogeny and among individuals, allowing con-specifics to co-exist. We aimed to …
throughout ontogeny and among individuals, allowing con-specifics to co-exist. We aimed to …
Population-specific sex and size variation in long-term foraging ecology of belugas and narwhals
Intraspecific variation in resource use by individuals of different age, sex or size may reflect
differing energetic requirements and physiological constraints. Males and females often …
differing energetic requirements and physiological constraints. Males and females often …
[HTML][HTML] Too close for comfort? Isotopic niche segregation in New Zealand's odontocetes
Simple Summary We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes as ecological tracers to
investigate isotopic niche overlap between 21 odontocete (toothed whale) species …
investigate isotopic niche overlap between 21 odontocete (toothed whale) species …
Skin δ13C and δ15N reveal spatial and temporal patterns of habitat and resource use by free-ranging odontocetes from the southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Large diversity and abundance of cetacean species occur along the Brazilian outer
continental shelf and slope waters. In the present study, we analyzed carbon (δ 13 C) and …
continental shelf and slope waters. In the present study, we analyzed carbon (δ 13 C) and …
Foraging ecology of the common dolphin Delphinus delphis revealed by stable isotope analysis
Dolphins are among the largest and most diverse predators in marine ecosystems, but our
understanding of their foraging ecology, which is crucial for ecosystem management, is …
understanding of their foraging ecology, which is crucial for ecosystem management, is …