Progress on emerging ferroelectric materials for energy harvesting, storage and conversion
Since the discovery of Rochelle salt a century ago, ferroelectric materials have been
investigated extensively due to their robust responses to electric, mechanical, thermal …
investigated extensively due to their robust responses to electric, mechanical, thermal …
[HTML][HTML] Low-grade waste heat recovery scenarios: Pyroelectric, thermomagnetic, and thermogalvanic thermal energy harvesting
Identifying reliable and sustainable sources of electricity is a significant challenge of the
present time. However, most energy-generation mechanisms produce unavoidable low …
present time. However, most energy-generation mechanisms produce unavoidable low …
[SÁCH][B] Infrared and terahertz detectors
A Rogalski - 2019 - books.google.com
This new edition of Infrared and Terahertz Detectors provides a comprehensive overview of
infrared and terahertz detector technology, from fundamental science to materials and …
infrared and terahertz detector technology, from fundamental science to materials and …
[SÁCH][B] Infrared detectors
A Rogalski - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Infrared Detectors provides comprehensive coverage of this important aspect of infrared
technology, including details of recent research efforts directed toward improving the …
technology, including details of recent research efforts directed toward improving the …
Advances in lead-free pyroelectric materials: a comprehensive review
Pyroelectric materials are important functional materials that can generate an electrical
response upon a temperature change. Among the many different types of pyroelectric …
response upon a temperature change. Among the many different types of pyroelectric …
Piezoelectric MEMS sensors: state-of-the-art and perspectives
S Tadigadapa, K Mateti - Measurement Science and technology, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
Over the past two decades, several advances have been made in micromachined sensors
and actuators. As the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) has advanced, a …
and actuators. As the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) has advanced, a …
[HTML][HTML] Pyroelectricity: from ancient curiosity to modern imaging tool
SB Lang - Physics today, 2005 - pubs.aip.org
One of the least-known properties of solid materials, pyroelectricity is rigorously defined as
the temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization in certain anisotropic solids. 1 …
the temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarization in certain anisotropic solids. 1 …
Recent advances in perovskites: Processing and properties
C Moure, O Peña - Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 2015 - Elsevier
The perovskite structure is one of the most wonderful to exist in nature. It obeys to a quite
simple chemical formula, ABX 3, in which A and B are metallic cations and X, an anion …
simple chemical formula, ABX 3, in which A and B are metallic cations and X, an anion …
Progress in focal plane array technologies
A Rogalski - Progress in Quantum Electronics, 2012 - Elsevier
Development of focal plane arrays started in seventies last century and has revolutionized
imaging systems in the next decades. This paper presents progress in optical detector …
imaging systems in the next decades. This paper presents progress in optical detector …
Terahertz detectors and focal plane arrays
A Rogalski, F Sizov - Opto-electronics review, 2011 - degruyter.com
Terahertz (THz) technology is one of emerging technologies that will change our life. A lot of
attractive applications in security, medicine, biology, astronomy, and non-destructive …
attractive applications in security, medicine, biology, astronomy, and non-destructive …