LogoSENSE: A companion HOG based logo detection scheme for phishing web page and E-mail brand recognition
With the advent of Internet and opportunities in e-commerce, a visual perception oriented
cyber-attack so-called phishing has become one of the tremendous problems of the cyber …
cyber-attack so-called phishing has become one of the tremendous problems of the cyber …
[HTML][HTML] Ransomware detection system for Android applications
Android ransomware is one of the most threatening attacks nowadays. Ransomware in
general encrypts or locks the files on the victim's device and requests a payment in order to …
general encrypts or locks the files on the victim's device and requests a payment in order to …
[BOK][B] Defending cyber systems through reverse engineering of criminal malware
M Omar - 2022 - Springer
This SpringerBrief discusses underlying principles of malware reverse engineering and
introduces the major techniques and tools needed to effectively analyze malware that …
introduces the major techniques and tools needed to effectively analyze malware that …
Static malware analysis using machine learning algorithms on APT1 dataset with string and PE header features
N Balram, G Hsieh, C McFall - 2019 International Conference …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Static malware analysis is used to analyze executable files without executing the code to
determine whether a file is malicious or not. Data analytic and machine learning techniques …
determine whether a file is malicious or not. Data analytic and machine learning techniques …
Androidgyny: Reviewing clustering techniques for Android malware family classification
Thousands of malicious applications (apps) are created daily, modified with the aid of
automation tools, and released on the World Wide Web. Several techniques have been …
automation tools, and released on the World Wide Web. Several techniques have been …
Principles of Code-Level Analysis
M Omar - … Cyber Systems through Reverse Engineering of …, 2022 - Springer
Static properties analysis and behavioral analysis are excellent techniques to understand
the basic characteristics and functionality of malware; however, these techniques alone do …
the basic characteristics and functionality of malware; however, these techniques alone do …
Analyzing various machine learning algorithms for the classification of malwares
J Pavithra, JSF Josephin - IOP Conference Series: Materials …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Malware, brief for Malicious Software, is increasing continuously in amounts and
sophistication as our digital world continues to develop. Lately, tools for forming malware …
sophistication as our digital world continues to develop. Lately, tools for forming malware …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-class Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Tweets by Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches
M Moustafa, SA Mokhtar-Mostefaoui… - Computación y …, 2024 - scielo.org.mx
COVID-19 is a virus that has spread rapidly over the globe. The condition has repercussions
beyond the realm of public health. Twitter is one platform where people post reactions to …
beyond the realm of public health. Twitter is one platform where people post reactions to …
Using dtrace for machine learning solutions in malware detection
AM KP, S Chandran, G Gressel… - 2020 11th …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Malware cannot be ignored today as evidenced by the havoc created by Wannacry
[29],[12],[23]. Every day malicious actors are writing more intelligent malware. The attacks …
[29],[12],[23]. Every day malicious actors are writing more intelligent malware. The attacks …
Permission weighting approaches in permission based android malware detection
With the increasing use of mobile devices in daily life, the number of malware running on
mobile devices is increasing. Increased malware may cause material and non-pecuniary …
mobile devices is increasing. Increased malware may cause material and non-pecuniary …