The divorce process and child adaptation trajectory typology (DPCATT) model: The sha** role of predivorce and postdivorce interparental conflict
Divorce has been conceptualized as a process. Research has extensively demonstrated
that it is pre/postdivorce family environment factors that primarily account for the variability in …
that it is pre/postdivorce family environment factors that primarily account for the variability in …
A review of two decades of LGBTQ‐inclusive research in JSPR and PR
The field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) relationship science
has grown significantly over the past two decades, coinciding with rapid changes in the …
has grown significantly over the past two decades, coinciding with rapid changes in the …
Queering methodologies to understand queer families
Queering questions that which is normative. In this article, we discuss how, for the study of
queer families, queering methodologies could reclaim traditional research methods that …
queer families, queering methodologies could reclaim traditional research methods that …
Child well-being in same-sex parent families: Review of research prepared for American Sociological Association Amicus Brief
Recent legal cases before the Supreme Court of the United States were challenging federal
definitions of marriage created by the Defense of Marriage Act and California's voter …
definitions of marriage created by the Defense of Marriage Act and California's voter …
We know even more things: A decade review of parenting research
In this article, we highlight the important ideas that have emerged from research on
parenting and adolescent development over the past decade. Beginning with research on …
parenting and adolescent development over the past decade. Beginning with research on …
Defining and measuring family: Lessons learned from LGBTQ+ people and families
Objective This essay discusses the challenges and opportunities of defining family in the
context of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people. Background …
context of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people. Background …
Lesbian mother families and gay father families in Italy: Family functioning, dyadic satisfaction, and child well-being
The literature underlines that lesbian mother and gay father families are similar to those with
heterosexual parents, regarding family functioning, dyadic satisfaction, and child …
heterosexual parents, regarding family functioning, dyadic satisfaction, and child …
A content analysis of LGBT research in top family journals 2000-2015
B van Eeden-Moorefield, AL Few-Demo… - Journal of Family …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The past decades have witnessed some of the most prolific changes in rights and
experiences for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) individuals and their families …
experiences for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) individuals and their families …
Family and community support among sexual minorities of color: The role of sexual minority identity prominence and outness on psychological well-being
Recent scholars have highlighted the relative lack of research on sexual and gender
minorities, and indicate that even less is known about sexual and gender minorities of color …
minorities, and indicate that even less is known about sexual and gender minorities of color …
An innovative approach to the design of a national probability sample of sexual minority adults
Purpose: Sampling lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people to recruit a national probability
sample is challenging for many reasons, including the low base rate of LGB people in the …
sample is challenging for many reasons, including the low base rate of LGB people in the …