Biodiversity conservation gaps in the Brazilian protected areas
Although Brazil is a megadiverse country and thus a conservation priority, no study has yet
quantified conservation gaps in the Brazilian protected areas (PAs) using extensive …
quantified conservation gaps in the Brazilian protected areas (PAs) using extensive …
Defining spatial conservation priorities in the face of land-use and climate change
Creating and managing protected areas is critical to ensure the persistence of species but
dynamic threats like land-use change and climate change may reduce the effectiveness of …
dynamic threats like land-use change and climate change may reduce the effectiveness of …
Vicariance and endemism in a Neotropical savanna hotspot: distribution patterns of Cerrado squamate reptiles
Aim To test predictions of the vicariance model, to define basic biogeographical units for
Cerrado squamates, and to discuss previous biogeographical hypotheses. Location …
Cerrado squamates, and to discuss previous biogeographical hypotheses. Location …
Delimiting floristic biogeographic districts in the Cerrado and assessing their conservation status
The Cerrado is a biodiversity hotspot in central Brazil that is the largest expanse of savanna
in the Neotropics. Here, we aim to identify and delimit biogeographic districts within the …
in the Neotropics. Here, we aim to identify and delimit biogeographic districts within the …
Patterns of vertebrate diversity and protection in Brazil
Most conservation decisions take place at national or finer spatial scales. Providing useful
information at such decision-making scales is essential for guiding the practice of …
information at such decision-making scales is essential for guiding the practice of …
Unprotecting the rare species: a niche‐based gap analysis for odonates in a core Cerrado area
CC Nóbrega, P De Marco Jr - Diversity and Distributions, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim We evaluated Odonata distribution data and predicted the compositional
resemblance based on niche‐based species distribution models to analyse the following …
resemblance based on niche‐based species distribution models to analyse the following …
Modelling highly biodiverse areas in Brazil
Traditional conservation techniques for map** highly biodiverse areas assume there to be
satisfactory knowledge about the geographic distribution of biodiversity. There are, however …
satisfactory knowledge about the geographic distribution of biodiversity. There are, however …
Major current and future gaps of Brazilian reserves to protect Neotropical savanna birds
We tested the prediction that climate-driven changes might alter bird species composition in
reserves of the Cerrado region of Brazil. First, we modelled the current distributions and the …
reserves of the Cerrado region of Brazil. First, we modelled the current distributions and the …
Delimiting priority areas for the conservation of endemic and threatened Neotropical birds using a niche-based gap analysis
Knowledge of spatiotemporal distribution of biodiversity is still very incomplete in the tropics.
This is one of the major problems preventing the assessment and effectiveness of …
This is one of the major problems preventing the assessment and effectiveness of …
Evolutionary history of Neotropical savannas geographically concentrates species, phylogenetic and functional diversity of lizards
Aim Understanding where and why species diversity is geographically concentrated
remains a challenge in biogeography and macroevolution. This is true for the Cerrado, the …
remains a challenge in biogeography and macroevolution. This is true for the Cerrado, the …