[HTML][HTML] Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
The basins and orogens of the Mediterranean region ultimately result from the opening of
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
[HTML][HTML] Tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic evolution of the Tethyan orogen: From subduction to collision
This paper reviews the tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic history of the Tethyan orogen
from the Carpathians to Indochina. Focus is placed on the formation of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au …
from the Carpathians to Indochina. Focus is placed on the formation of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au …
Tectonic evolution of the southern margin of Laurasia in the Black Sea region
The Black Sea region comprises Gondwana-derived continental blocks and oceanic
subduction complexes accreted to Laurasia. The core of Laurasia is made up of an …
subduction complexes accreted to Laurasia. The core of Laurasia is made up of an …
The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 2: Tectonic history and paleogeography
A new lithostratigraphy scheme has been compiled for the Western Black Sea Basin and a
new geological history scheme from Middle Jurassic till Neogene is suggested for the entire …
new geological history scheme from Middle Jurassic till Neogene is suggested for the entire …
The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 1: Basins structure and fill
This work is based upon results of interpretation of about 8872 km-long regional seismic
lines acquired in 2011 within the international project Geology Without Limits in the Black …
lines acquired in 2011 within the international project Geology Without Limits in the Black …
Porphyry mineralization in the Tethyan orogen
The Tethyan metallogenic domain (TMD), as one of the three major domains in the world,
extends over 10000 km from east to west, and has developed several world-class …
extends over 10000 km from east to west, and has developed several world-class …
Variscan orogeny in the Black Sea region
Abstract Two Gondwana-derived Paleozoic belts rim the Archean/Paleoproterozoic nucleus
of the East European Platform in the Black Sea region. In the north is a belt of Paleozoic …
of the East European Platform in the Black Sea region. In the north is a belt of Paleozoic …
Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey
Abstract In Central and Western Anatolia two continent‐derived massifs simultaneously
underthrusted an oceanic lithosphere in the Cretaceous and ended up with very contrasting …
underthrusted an oceanic lithosphere in the Cretaceous and ended up with very contrasting …
Kinematic reconstructions and magmatic evolution illuminating crustal and mantle dynamics of the eastern Mediterranean region since the late Cretaceous
The relationship between subduction dynamics and crustal deformation in the
Mediterranean region has been recently studied using three-dimensional (3D) models. Such …
Mediterranean region has been recently studied using three-dimensional (3D) models. Such …
Dynamics of intraoceanic subduction initiation: 2. Suprasubduction zone ophiolite formation and metamorphic sole exhumation in context of absolute plate motions
Analyzing subduction initiation is key for understanding the coupling between plate tectonics
and the underlying mantle. Here we focus on suprasubduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites and …
and the underlying mantle. Here we focus on suprasubduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites and …