Future research directions at the intersection between cognitive neuroscience research and auditors' professional skepticism

C Olsen, A Gold - Journal of Accounting literature, 2018 - emerald.com
Drawing on the literature from cognitive neuroscience and auditing research on professional
skepticism (PS), this paper identifies new research questions, determinants, and theories …

The joint impact of management expressed confidence and response timing on auditor professional skepticism in client email inquiries

AB Zimmerman - Managerial Auditing Journal, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose While academic research has been conducted on auditors' ability to exercise
professional skepticism in face-to-face client interviews, little is known about auditors' …

The impact of auditor communication and due professional care on client responses to inquiries for successful audit process

BL Handoko, R Widuri - 2016 International Conference on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Communication becomes core and one of the most important roles in many business
practices, indeed audit as a service product is no exception to communication needs. This …

[PDF][PDF] Auditor skepticism and client ill will

J Eutsler, DK Holderness, JC Robertson, MB Curtis - Available at SSRN, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Professional skepticism is considered an essential component of audit quality.
Consequently, research has focused on ways to increase skepticism by identifying factors …

Mitigating the Effects of Auditors' First Impressions of Client Personnel: The Importance of Audit Supervisors' Preference for Effectiveness

DK Holderness Jr, ASJ Ong… - Journal of Forensic …, 2022 - publications.aaahq.org
Fraud perpetrators realize the importance of conveying a positive first impression to others.
We examine how auditors' first impressions of client personnel interact with supervisors' …

Usability of Language Features of Emails for Detecting Misrepresentations

CC Lee, RB Welker - Journal of Forensic Accounting …, 2022 - publications.aaahq.org
The study experimentally examines the usability of a participant's writing style in email
inquiries for fraud (misrepresentation) risk assessment by determining whether auditors can …

[PDF][PDF] تأثير ممارسة الشك المهني في جودة أداء المدقق في العراق) بحث استطالعي (.

GA Jabbar Al-Khazraji, AH Yahya Al-Tamimi - Accounting & Financial …, 2023 - iasj.net
Due to the increasing interest in the quality of auditing by writers, researchers and regulators
of the auditing profession. The matter necessitated a statement of the extent to which the …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of time constraint on the practice of professional skepticism for the auditor in Iraq

GA Jabbar, AHY Al-Tamimi - Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic …, 2023 - iasj.net
The research aims to shed light on the time constraint and its importance as a determinant in
the work of the auditor, and clarify the concept and importance of his practice of professional …

تأثير ممارسة الشك المهني في جودة أداء المدقق في العراق: بحث استطلاعي

غفران علاء جبار الخزرجي… - … of Accounting and …, 2023‎ - jpgiafs.uobaghdad.edu.iq
نظرا للاهتمام المتزايد بجودة التدقيق من قبل الكتاب والباحثين والمنظمين لمهنة التدقيق. أستدعى
الأمر إلى بيان مدى ممارسة المدقق للشك المهني, لما لها تأثير كبير في اكتشاف الأخطاء والتحريفات …

Le secret comme processus organisant: une approche épistémique des organisations secrètes

L Vuarin - 2020 - theses.hal.science
La littérature des théories des organisations étudie principalement les secrets pour les
conséquences stratégiques des informations qu'ils renferment (paradigme informationnel) …