The metamorphic and magmatic record of collisional orogens
Abstract The Cenozoic Himalaya-Tibet orogen is generally regarded as the archetypal
continental collision zone and is often used as an analogue for interpreting ancient orogenic …
continental collision zone and is often used as an analogue for interpreting ancient orogenic …
The late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic Grenvillian orogeny and the assembly of Rodinia: Turning point in the tectonic evolution of Laurentia
NL Swanson-Hysell, T Rivers, S van der Lee - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The amalgamation of Laurentia's Archean provinces ca. 1830 Ma was followed by~ 700 my
of accretionary orogenesis along its active southeastern margin, marked by subduction of …
of accretionary orogenesis along its active southeastern margin, marked by subduction of …
The Laramide orogeny: Current understanding of the structural style, timing, and spatial distribution of the classic foreland thick-skinned tectonic system
The Laramide foreland belt comprises a broad region of thick-skinned, contractional
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
deformation characterized by an anastomosing network of basement-cored arches and …
Tectonothermal transition from continental collision to post‐collision: Insights from eclogites overprinted in the ultrahigh‐temperature granulite facies (Yadong region …
C Wu, L Zhang, Q Li, T Bader… - Journal of Metamorphic …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Eclogites and granulites are fossil records of orogenies and provide crucial evidence of
geodynamic processes. Incomplete knowledge on both hampers the establishment of …
geodynamic processes. Incomplete knowledge on both hampers the establishment of …
[HTML][HTML] Deformation induced decoupling between U-Pb and trace elements in titanite revealed through petrochronology and study of localized deformation
In this contribution, we analyzed a pair of mafic samples collected from a recently identified
shear zone and its proximal footwall from the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone (MIZ) of the …
shear zone and its proximal footwall from the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone (MIZ) of the …
Metamorphism and deformation on subduction interfaces: 2. Petrological and tectonic implications
The compositional range of∼ 2,000 marine sediments and∼ 19,000 oceanic igneous rocks
is encapsulated by a set of 12 sedimentary and 10 mafic rock compositions, allowing …
is encapsulated by a set of 12 sedimentary and 10 mafic rock compositions, allowing …
Origin and metamorphic evolution of Chachahe eclogites, North Qaidam UHP metamorphic Belt, NW China: Implications for fate of overriding plate material in …
Y Ren, D Chen, H Wang, X Zhu, B Bai, H Kong… - Journal of Asian Earth …, 2022 - Elsevier
Although numerical modelling and marine seismic data show that overriding plate material
can enter subduction channel and even recycle to mantle, and finally contribute to mantle …
can enter subduction channel and even recycle to mantle, and finally contribute to mantle …
The Grenville Province: revisiting the orogenic framework and integrating recent findings
A Indares - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2024 - cdnsciencepub.com
The Grenville Province holds record of Mesoproterozoic orogenic processes at the
Laurentian margin during the assembly of Rodinia. This contribution reviews key …
Laurentian margin during the assembly of Rodinia. This contribution reviews key …
Mckelveyite group minerals – Part 2: Alicewilsonite-(YCe), Na2Sr2YCe(CO3)6 ⋅ 3H2O, a new species
The new mckelveyite group mineral alicewilsonite-(YCe), ideally Na 2 Sr 2 YCe (CO 3) 6⋅
3H 2 O, was found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, and subsequently at the Saint …
3H 2 O, was found at Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, and subsequently at the Saint …
H2O-fluxed melting of eclogite during exhumation: An example from the eclogite type-locality, Eastern Alps (Austria)
Epidote eclogites embedded in paragneisses from the Austrian Eastern Alps host rare,
decimetre-to metre-sized planar pegmatitic segregations ('pegmatoids') that consist of a …
decimetre-to metre-sized planar pegmatitic segregations ('pegmatoids') that consist of a …