Stochastic star communication topology in evolutionary particle swarms (EPSO)

V Miranda, H Keko, AJ Junior - 2008 -
This paper reports the results of the adoption of a probabilistically defined communication
structure in a special algorithm coined as EPSO-Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization …

Dilute magnetic moments in an exactly solvable interacting host

C Setty - arxiv preprint arxiv:2105.15205, 2021 -
Despite concerted efforts, the problem of dilute local moments embedded in a correlated
conduction electron host such as Nd $ _ {1-x} $ Ce $ _x $ CuO $ _2 $ persists due to lack of …

Surface-state plasmons in topological Kondo insulator

P Goswami - Pramana, 2022 - Springer
We studied 2D surface state in the periodic Anderson model of a bulk topological Kondo
insulator (TKI) system, involving strongly correlated f orbital electrons screened by d orbital …

Magnetic phases of the periodic Anderson model in two dimensions

I Hagymási - arxiv preprint arxiv:2501.07541, 2025 -
We investigate the ground-state properties of the periodic Anderson model on the square
lattice across various band fillings. Employing the infinite projected entangled-pair states …

Ground state properties of the periodic Anderson model with electron–phonon interactions

T Miyao, H Tominaga - Annals of Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
The periodic Anderson model (PAM) is a fundamental model describing heavy fermion
systems' behavior. In this paper, we investigate the PAM in the presence of electron–phonon …

Phase diagram of the Hubbard-Kondo lattice model from the variational cluster approximation

JPL Faye, MN Kiselev, P Ram, B Kumar, D Sénéchal - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
The interplay between the Kondo effect and magnetic ordering driven by the Ruderman-
Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction is studied within the two-dimensional Hubbard-Kondo …

Competition between Hund's coupling and Kondo effect in a one-dimensional extended periodic Anderson model

I Hagymási, J Sólyom, Ö Legeza - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We study the ground-state properties of an extended periodic Anderson model to
understand the role of Hund's coupling between localized and itinerant electrons using the …

Quantum criticality and first-order transitions in the extended periodic Anderson model

I Hagymási, K Itai, J Sólyom - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2013 - APS
We investigate the behavior of the periodic Anderson model in the presence of d–f Coulomb
interaction (U df) using mean-field theory, variational calculation, and exact diagonalization …

Ferromagnetism in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice: Mean-field approach via Majorana fermion canonical transformation

M Bazzanella, J Nilsson - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
Using a canonical transformation, it is possible to faithfully represent the Kondo lattice model
in terms of Majorana fermions. Studying this representation, we discovered an exact …

Excitation Gap in the Kondo Insulator with Coulomb Interaction between Conduction Electrons

A Masuyama, T Mutou - Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2020 -
We have investigated the effects of the Coulomb interaction between conduction electrons
on the excitation gap of the Kondo insulator. As a theoretical model of the Kondo insulator …