[HTML][HTML] Conservation of geoheritage in Ecuador: Situation and perspectives
JL Sánchez-Cortez - International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 2019 - Elsevier
Due to the great geodiversity of Ecuador, it is not easy to present specific criteria related to
the actions and scope of the conservation of the geoheritage in this nation; however, despite …
the actions and scope of the conservation of the geoheritage in this nation; however, despite …
[HTML][HTML] Geodiversity assessment to regional scale: Ecuador as a case study
Geodiversity is the variety of earth materials, forms and processes that constitute and shape
the Earth planet. Therefore, geodiversity includes essential for develo** nature-based …
the Earth planet. Therefore, geodiversity includes essential for develo** nature-based …
[หนังสือ][B] Amazonia: landscape and species evolution: a look into the past
C Hoorn, F Wesselingh - 2011 - books.google.com
The book focuses on geological history as the critical factor in determining the present
biodiversity and landscapes of Amazonia. The different driving mechanisms for landscape …
biodiversity and landscapes of Amazonia. The different driving mechanisms for landscape …
[PDF][PDF] Tectonic history of the Andes and sub-Andean zones: implications for the development of the Amazon drainage basin
Abstract The Andes and the Amazon River have been neighbouring geographical and
geological features for at least the past 10 million years. However, the nature of the …
geological features for at least the past 10 million years. However, the nature of the …
Cretaceous and Tertiary terrane accretion in the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador
RA Hughes, LF Pilatasig - Tectonophysics, 2002 - Elsevier
New field, geochronological, geochemical and biostratigraphical data indicate that the
central and northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador comprise two …
central and northern parts of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes of Ecuador comprise two …
Distribution, timing, and causes of Andean deformation across South America
PR Cobbold, EA Rossello, P Roperch, C Arriagada… - 2007 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract The Andean Orogeny in South America has lasted over 100 Ma. It comprises the
Peruvian, Incaic and Quechuan phases. The Nazca and South American plates have been …
Peruvian, Incaic and Quechuan phases. The Nazca and South American plates have been …
Forebulge dynamics and environmental control in Western Amazonia: The case study of the Arch of Iquitos (Peru)
The Iquitos Arch corresponds to a broad topographic high in the Western Amazonia.
Morphostructural and geophysical data and flexural modeling show that the Iquitos Arch is …
Morphostructural and geophysical data and flexural modeling show that the Iquitos Arch is …
The Huallaga foreland basin evolution: Thrust propagation in a deltaic environment, northern Peruvian Andes
The sub-Andean Huallaga basin is part of the modern retroforeland basin system of Peru. It
corresponds to a thrust-and-fold belt superimposed on inverted and halokinetic structures …
corresponds to a thrust-and-fold belt superimposed on inverted and halokinetic structures …
Stratigraphic responses to a major tectonic event in a foreland basin: the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin from Eocene to Oligocene times
The Eocene to Oligocene sediments of the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin record two kinds of
second-order stratigraphic response to the tectonic evolution. Lower Eocene shows …
second-order stratigraphic response to the tectonic evolution. Lower Eocene shows …
Geomorphic evidence of active deformation and uplift in a modern continental wedge-top–foredeep transition: example of the eastern Ecuadorian Andes
The eastern Ecuadorian Andes appear as a fold-and-thrust belt adjacent to a continental
foredeep represented by one of the world's largest tropical alluvial megafans, the Pastaza …
foredeep represented by one of the world's largest tropical alluvial megafans, the Pastaza …