[BOK][B] Neotropical biogeography: regionalization and evolution
JJ Morrone - 2017 - books.google.com
Neotropical Biogeography: Regionalization and Evolution presents the most comprehensive
single-source treatment of the Neotropical region derived from evolutionary biogeographic …
single-source treatment of the Neotropical region derived from evolutionary biogeographic …
Patterns of species and lineage diversity in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil
Abstract The Atlantic rainforest of Brazil harbors outstanding species richness and levels of
endemism, representing one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth. Yet, a lot is still …
endemism, representing one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth. Yet, a lot is still …
Marimbondos: systematics, biogeography, and evolution of social behaviour of neotropical swarm‐founding wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Epiponini)
Neotropical swarm‐founding wasps are divided into 19 genera in the tribe Epiponini
(Vespidae, Polistinae). They display extensive variation in several colony‐level traits that …
(Vespidae, Polistinae). They display extensive variation in several colony‐level traits that …
[PDF][PDF] A systematic review of the Neotropical social wasp genus Angiopolybia Araujo, 1946 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): species delimitation, morphological diagnosis …
PCS Barroso, RST Menezes… - Arthropod …, 2022 - arthropod-systematics.arphahub …
For the Neotropical genus Angiopolybia Araujo 1946, several phenotypic forms were
previously described, however, they have not been studied within an integrative taxonomic …
previously described, however, they have not been studied within an integrative taxonomic …
Phylogenomics indicates Amazonia as the major source of Neotropical swarm-founding social wasp diversity
The Neotropical realm harbours unparalleled species richness and hence has challenged
biologists to explain the cause of its high biotic diversity. Empirical studies to shed light on …
biologists to explain the cause of its high biotic diversity. Empirical studies to shed light on …
The relevance of chromosome fissions for major ribosomal DNA dispersion in hymenopteran insects
Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci are essential for cellular metabolism due to their participation in
ribosome biogenesis. Although these genes have been widely cytogenetically mapped, the …
ribosome biogenesis. Although these genes have been widely cytogenetically mapped, the …
[HTML][HTML] The Centipede Genus Scolopendra in Mainland Southeast Asia: Molecular Phylogenetics, Geometric Morphometrics and External Morphology as Tools for …
W Siriwut, GD Edgecombe, C Sutcharit, S Panha - PLoS One, 2015 - journals.plos.org
Seven Scolopendra species from the Southeast Asian mainland delimited based on
standard external morphological characters represent monophyletic groups in phylogenetic …
standard external morphological characters represent monophyletic groups in phylogenetic …
The roles of barriers, refugia, and chromosomal clines underlying diversification in Atlantic Forest social wasps
Phylogeographic studies have sought to explain the genetic imprints of historical climatic
changes and geographic barriers within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF) biota, and …
changes and geographic barriers within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (AF) biota, and …
Phylogeny and classification of the Neotropical social wasps
OT Silveira, SR Andena, A Somavilla… - Neotropical Social Wasps …, 2021 - Springer
Social wasps are common elements of the Neotropical fauna, known to most people living in
this region because of their large nests and the aggressive defensive behavior of many …
this region because of their large nests and the aggressive defensive behavior of many …
Comparative phylogeography and palaeomodelling reveal idiosyncratic responses to climate changes in Neotropical paper wasps
The impact of the broad disjunction between Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest on
biodiversity has been the theme of several discussions in recent decades. Here, we …
biodiversity has been the theme of several discussions in recent decades. Here, we …