Understanding and Enhancing Linux Kernel-based Packet Switching on WiFi Access Points

S Zhang, M Gupta, B Dezfouli - arxiv preprint arxiv:2408.01013, 2024 - arxiv.org
As the number of WiFi devices and their traffic demands continue to rise, the need for a
scalable and high-performance wireless infrastructure becomes increasingly essential …

Multi-Access Edge Computing performance into Non-Public 5G Networks: A robot-based experiment

AM Valenzuela, J Silvestre-Blanes… - 2024 IEEE 20th …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The fifth generation of cellular communications (5G) provides enough performance to carry
on scenarios that require low latency such as robot control remote computing. In this work, it …

Enhancing Vehicular Communication Systems: Predicting Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Machine Learning Models

A Begum, R Thilahar, R Monikaa… - … on Electronic Systems …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vehicle communication systems facilitate both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-
infrastructure (V2I) connections, playing a crucial role in Intelligent Transportation Systems …

Li-Fi for Next Generation Wireless Communication: Technical Insights and Innovations

D Chauhan, JK Jain - RFID, Microwave Circuit, and Wireless Power …, 2025 - igi-global.com
Li-Fi technology uses visible light communication for data transmission and has the potential
to transform wireless communication. The benefits offered by this technology have the …

IoT na saúde doméstica: estudos de caso e especificação de uma aplicação

LM Cardoso - 2024 - repositorio.ufsc.br
A IoT possui enorme potencial para a saúde doméstica e, entre as aplicações, o
monitoramento de idosos vem ganhando destaque devido ao envelhecimento da …


AM DRĂGULINESCU - anadragulinescu.ro
Am hotărât să scriu această carte pentru a populariza domeniul în rândul comunităţii
academice din România, al studenţilor şi cadrelor didactice care susţin prelegeri şi activităţi …