[HTML][HTML] Complex networks and symmetry I: A review

D Garlaschelli, F Ruzzenenti, R Basosi - Symmetry, 2010‏ - mdpi.com
In this review we establish various connections between complex networks and symmetry.
While special types of symmetries (eg, automorphisms) are studied in detail within discrete …

Network epidemiology and plant trade networks

M Pautasso, MJ Jeger - AoB Plants, 2014‏ - academic.oup.com
Abstract Models of epidemics in complex networks are improving our predictive
understanding of infectious disease outbreaks. Nonetheless, applying network theory to …

The stability of the international oil trade network from short-term and long-term perspectives

Q Sun, X Gao, W Zhong, N Liu - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
To examine the stability of the international oil trade network and explore the influence of
countries and trade relationships on the trade stability, we construct weighted and …

[HTML][HTML] Stability of bounded dynamical networks with symmetry

IK Dassios - Symmetry, 2018‏ - mdpi.com
Motivated by dynamical models describing phase separation and the motion of interfaces
separating phases, we study the stability of dynamical networks in planar domains formed …

Cycling and reciprocity in weighted food webs and economic networks

M Iskrzyński, F Janssen, F Picciolo… - Journal of Industrial …, 2022‏ - Wiley Online Library
Networks of mass flows describe the basic structure of ecosystems as food webs, and of
economy as input–output tables. Matter leaving a node in these networks can return to it …

Is there reciprocity between India and RCEP member countries' goods trade?

C Zhao, X Qi, Y Gong, X Feng, X Cao… - Journal of the Asia …, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
Abstract In early November 2019, India announced its withdrawal from the Regional
Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement, and stated that there is a non …

How crude oil prices shape the global division of labor

F Picciolo, A Papandreou, K Hubacek, F Ruzzenenti - Applied energy, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Our work sheds new light on the role of oil prices in sha** the world economy by
investigating flows of goods and services through global value chains between 1960 and …

Modelling the rebound effect with network theory: An insight into the European freight transport sector

F Ruzzenenti, R Basosi - Energy, 2017‏ - Elsevier
This paper presents a two pronged approach to the study of the rebound effect, with the aim
of assessing the magnitude of the effect in the European freight transport sector and …

Model of wikipedia growth based on information exchange via reciprocal arcs

V Zlatić, H Štefančić - Europhysics letters, 2011‏ - iopscience.iop.org
We show how reciprocal arcs significantly influence the structural organization of
Wikipedias, online encyclopedias. It is shown that random addition of reciprocal arcs in the …

Multiplexity and multireciprocity in directed multiplexes

V Gemmetto, T Squartini, F Picciolo, F Ruzzenenti… - Physical Review E, 2016‏ - APS
Real-world multilayer networks feature nontrivial dependencies among links of different
layers. Here we argue that if links are directed, then dependencies are twofold. Besides the …