What seams do we remove in mobile-assisted seamless learning? A critical review of the literature
Seamless learning refers to the seamless integration of the learning experiences across
various dimensions including formal and informal learning contexts, individual and social …
various dimensions including formal and informal learning contexts, individual and social …
New frontiers: Regulating learning in CSCL
Despite intensive research in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) over the
last decade, there is relatively little research about how groups and individuals in groups …
last decade, there is relatively little research about how groups and individuals in groups …
Mobile learning: Small devices, big issues
Over the past 10 years mobile learning has grown from a minor research interest to a set of
significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the …
significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the …
[CARTE][B] Research in the Wild
Y Rogers, P Marshall - 2017 - books.google.com
The phrase" in-the-wild" is becoming popular again in the field of human-computer
interaction (HCI), describing approaches to HCI research and accounts of user experience …
interaction (HCI), describing approaches to HCI research and accounts of user experience …
Seamless learning: An international perspective on next-generation technology-enhanced learning
Personalized learning has been a goal for education during the past 40 years: to provide
access to learning resources and activities that adapt to the needs and abilities of the …
access to learning resources and activities that adapt to the needs and abilities of the …
Supporting teacher orchestration in ubiquitous learning environments: A study in primary education
During the last decades, educational contexts have transformed into complex technological
and social ecologies, with mobile devices expanding the scope of education beyond the …
and social ecologies, with mobile devices expanding the scope of education beyond the …
Mobile technology and mathematics: Effects on students' attitudes, engagement, and achievement
There is an increasing uptake on the use of mobile technologies for learning, but its use with
mathematics has not yet been reviewed. It is the purpose of this paper to synthesize …
mathematics has not yet been reviewed. It is the purpose of this paper to synthesize …
Deconstructing and reconstructing: Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum
The history of science education reform has been fundamentally centered around science
curriculum development and implementation. The advent of mobile technologies has …
curriculum development and implementation. The advent of mobile technologies has …
Physical activities and playful learning using mobile games
The combination of informal learning and mobile outdoor games can be seen as a relevant
arena for conducting novel learning activities that involve children in different tasks including …
arena for conducting novel learning activities that involve children in different tasks including …
A brief history of mobile seamless learning
LH Wong - Seamless learning in the age of mobile connectivity, 2015 - Springer
This chapter of the book Seamless Learning in the Age of Connectivity centers on a critical
analysis of the brief history of mobile-assisted seamless learning (MSL). The intention is to …
analysis of the brief history of mobile-assisted seamless learning (MSL). The intention is to …