Data-driven design-by-analogy: state-of-the-art and future directions
Abstract Design-by-analogy (DbA) is a design methodology wherein new solutions,
opportunities, or designs are generated in a target domain based on inspiration drawn from …
opportunities, or designs are generated in a target domain based on inspiration drawn from …
Design principles: Literature review, analysis, and future directions
Design principles are created to codify and formalize design knowledge so that innovative,
archival practices may be communicated and used to advance design science and solve …
archival practices may be communicated and used to advance design science and solve …
Biologically inspired design concept generation using generative pre-trained transformers
Biological systems in nature have evolved for millions of years to adapt and survive the
environment. Many features they developed can be inspirational and beneficial for solving …
environment. Many features they developed can be inspirational and beneficial for solving …
Fixation or inspiration? A meta-analytic review of the role of examples on design processes
Highlights•We conducted a meta-analysis of studies examining the effect of examples on
design.•Examples led individuals to explore the problem space more narrowly and …
design.•Examples led individuals to explore the problem space more narrowly and …
What inspires designers? Preferences on inspirational approaches during idea generation
Highlights•Survey on the most preferred inspiration sources and methods designers
use.•Student designers prefer to use images over objects, and the latter more than …
use.•Student designers prefer to use images over objects, and the latter more than …
A study of design fixation, its mitigation and perception in engineering design faculty
The bridge between engineering design and cognitive science research is critical to
understand the effectiveness of design methods as implemented by human designers. The …
understand the effectiveness of design methods as implemented by human designers. The …
The meaning of “near” and “far”: the impact of structuring design databases and the effect of distance of analogy on design output
This work lends insight into the meaning and impact of “near” and “far” analogies. A
cognitive engineering design study is presented that examines the effect of the distance of …
cognitive engineering design study is presented that examines the effect of the distance of …
User idea implementation in open innovation communities: Evidence from a new product development crowdsourcing community
In collaborative crowdsourcing communities for open innovation, users generate and submit
ideas as idea co‐creators. Firms then select and implement valuable ideas for new product …
ideas as idea co‐creators. Firms then select and implement valuable ideas for new product …
A comparison of creativity and innovation metrics and sample validation through in-class design projects
This paper introduces a new perspective/direction on assessing and encouraging creativity
in concept design for application in engineering design education and industry. This …
in concept design for application in engineering design education and industry. This …
Bio-inspired design: an overview investigating open questions from the broader field of design-by-analogy
Bio-inspired design and the broader field of design-by-analogy have been the basis of
numerous innovative designs throughout history; yet there remains much to be understood …
numerous innovative designs throughout history; yet there remains much to be understood …