The effectiveness of wikis for project-based learning in different disciplines in higher education
Concerning the effectiveness of using wikis for project-based learning in higher education,
this study compared the perceptions and actions among students in three undergraduate …
this study compared the perceptions and actions among students in three undergraduate …
Classroom management strategies for Hyflex instruction: Setting students up for success in the hybrid environment
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way that schools provide instruction to learners and
these changes may last for an extended period of time. One current trend is the use of hyflex …
these changes may last for an extended period of time. One current trend is the use of hyflex …
Using wikis for collaborative learning: Assessing collaboration through contribution
Wikis are widely promoted as collaborative writing tools and are gaining in popularity in
educational settings. However, while wikis include features that are designed to facilitate …
educational settings. However, while wikis include features that are designed to facilitate …
Internet based learning (IBL) in higher education: A literature review
Purpose The growing use of internet-based learning (IBL) platforms in institutions of higher
education is producing profound changes in the traditional teaching learning process …
education is producing profound changes in the traditional teaching learning process …
Writing with wikis: A cautionary tale of technology in the classroom
Learning to write a scholarly literature review is often difficult for undergraduatestudents.
This teaching note examines a pilot study of BSW students' use ofa wiki to collaboratively …
This teaching note examines a pilot study of BSW students' use ofa wiki to collaboratively …
When talking less is more: exploring outcomes of Twitter usage in the large‐lecture hall
This article employs a mixed‐method approach to examine the outcomes produced by using
Twitter in a large‐lecture course as a means to assess the pedagogical impact and potential …
Twitter in a large‐lecture course as a means to assess the pedagogical impact and potential …
The effects of using a wiki on student engagement and learning of report writing skills in a university statistics course
A wiki was used as part of a blended learning approach to promote collaborative learning
among students in a first year university statistics class. One group of students analysed a …
among students in a first year university statistics class. One group of students analysed a …
Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico: Acquisition of competencies with Serious Games in the accounting …
El actual sistema de educación superior se basa en un aprendizaje activo por parte del
estudiante enfocado al desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas. En este …
estudiante enfocado al desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas. En este …
The communicative ecology of W eb 2.0 at work: Social networking in the workspace
Social media have transformed social interactions and now look set to transform workplace
communications. In this exploratory study, we investigate how employees use and get value …
communications. In this exploratory study, we investigate how employees use and get value …
Scripting the role of assessor and assessee in peer assessment in a wiki environment: Impact on peer feedback quality and product improvement
This study investigates how an instructional intervention focused on engaging both the
assessor and assessee in the peer feedback process can be advantageous for the quality of …
assessor and assessee in the peer feedback process can be advantageous for the quality of …