Mixing in porous media: concepts and approaches across scales
This review provides an overview of concepts and approaches for the quantification of
passive, non-reactive solute mixing in steady uniform porous media flows across scales …
passive, non-reactive solute mixing in steady uniform porous media flows across scales …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
Essentially all hydrogeological processes are strongly influenced by the subsurface spatial
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …
heterogeneity and the temporal variation of environmental conditions, hydraulic properties …
Rapid formation of bioaggregates and morphology transition to biofilm streamers induced by pore-throat flows
Bioaggregates are condensed porous materials comprising microbes, organic and inorganic
matters, and water. They are commonly found in natural and engineered porous media and …
matters, and water. They are commonly found in natural and engineered porous media and …
Harnessing elastic instabilities for enhanced mixing and reaction kinetics in porous media
Turbulent flows have been used for millennia to mix solutes; a familiar example is stirring
cream into coffee. However, many energy, environmental, and industrial processes rely on …
cream into coffee. However, many energy, environmental, and industrial processes rely on …
Fluid flow drives phenotypic heterogeneity in bacterial growth and adhesion on surfaces
Bacteria often thrive in surface-attached communities, where they can form biofilms affording
them multiple advantages. In this sessile form, fluid flow is a key component of their …
them multiple advantages. In this sessile form, fluid flow is a key component of their …
The effects of non-uniform mechanical compression of lithium-ion cells on local current densities and lithium plating
Lithium-ion batteries can experience mechanical loads for a variety of reasons, including the
rigidity of the cell casing itself, bracing of cell stacks in a module, which is generally due to …
rigidity of the cell casing itself, bracing of cell stacks in a module, which is generally due to …
Microscale chaotic mixing as a driver for chemical reactions in porous media
Mixing-induced reactions play a key role in a large range of biogeochemical and
contaminant transport processes in the subsurface. Fluid flow through porous media was …
contaminant transport processes in the subsurface. Fluid flow through porous media was …
Pore-scale modeling of solute transport in partially-saturated porous media
Solute transport in partially-saturated porous media plays a key role in multiple applications
across scales, from the migration of nutrients and contaminants in soils to geological energy …
across scales, from the migration of nutrients and contaminants in soils to geological energy …
A microfluidic chip for studies of the dynamics of antibiotic resistance selection in bacterial biofilms
Biofilms are arguably the most important mode of growth of bacteria, but how antibiotic
resistance emerges and is selected in biofilms remains poorly understood. Several models …
resistance emerges and is selected in biofilms remains poorly understood. Several models …
Enhanced Reaction Kinetics in Stationary Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media
Understanding the interaction between multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous
media is critical for many environmental and industrial applications. When a nonwetting …
media is critical for many environmental and industrial applications. When a nonwetting …