Territorial Conflict in the Spotlight: Unveiling Paths to Territorial Clarity
The tensions between centralization and autonomy inherent in territorial conflicts can give
rise to entrenched positions and stalemate. This Federalism Monitor article describes an …
rise to entrenched positions and stalemate. This Federalism Monitor article describes an …
International Law and the Right to Secede: A Comparative Analysis
A Salami - Available at SSRN 4798583, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Secession, the emergence of an inside division that culminates in forming a sovereign entity
no longer part of the original country, has been and remains a complex issue in international …
no longer part of the original country, has been and remains a complex issue in international …
La costruzione identitaria delle nazioni minoritarie: saggio di sintesi teorica per una comprensione inter-relazionale Identity construction among minority nations: an …
Molte democrazie liberali contemporanee annoverano nelle loro periferie dei movimenti
politici che mirano ad esercitare un certo grado di autonomia o ad accedere …
politici che mirano ad esercitare un certo grado di autonomia o ad accedere …