Affordance diffusion: Synthesizing hand-object interactions
Recent successes in image synthesis are powered by large-scale diffusion models.
However, most methods are currently limited to either text-or image-conditioned generation …
However, most methods are currently limited to either text-or image-conditioned generation …
Move as you say interact as you can: Language-guided human motion generation with scene affordance
Despite significant advancements in text-to-motion synthesis generating language-guided
human motion within 3D environments poses substantial challenges. These challenges …
human motion within 3D environments poses substantial challenges. These challenges …
Understanding human hands in contact at internet scale
Hands are the central means by which humans manipulate their world and being able to
reliably extract hand state information from Internet videos of humans engaged in their …
reliably extract hand state information from Internet videos of humans engaged in their …
Hand-object contact consistency reasoning for human grasps generation
While predicting robot grasps with parallel jaw grippers have been well studied and widely
applied in robot manipulation tasks, the study on natural human grasp generation with a …
applied in robot manipulation tasks, the study on natural human grasp generation with a …
Joint hand motion and interaction hotspots prediction from egocentric videos
We propose to forecast future hand-object interactions given an egocentric video. Instead of
predicting action labels or pixels, we directly predict the hand motion trajectory and the …
predicting action labels or pixels, we directly predict the hand motion trajectory and the …
Affordancellm: Grounding affordance from vision language models
Affordance grounding refers to the task of finding the area of an object with which one can
interact. It is a fundamental but challenging task as a successful solution requires the …
interact. It is a fundamental but challenging task as a successful solution requires the …
Augmenting reinforcement learning with behavior primitives for diverse manipulation tasks
Realistic manipulation tasks require a robot to interact with an environment with a prolonged
sequence of motor actions. While deep reinforcement learning methods have recently …
sequence of motor actions. While deep reinforcement learning methods have recently …
Cross-task weakly supervised learning from instructional videos
In this paper we investigate learning visual models for the steps of ordinary tasks using weak
supervision via instructional narrations and an ordered list of steps instead of strong …
supervision via instructional narrations and an ordered list of steps instead of strong …
Locate: Localize and transfer object parts for weakly supervised affordance grounding
Humans excel at acquiring knowledge through observation. For example, we can learn to
use new tools by watching demonstrations. This skill is fundamental for intelligent systems to …
use new tools by watching demonstrations. This skill is fundamental for intelligent systems to …
Affordance transfer learning for human-object interaction detection
Abstract Reasoning the human-object interactions (HOI) is essential for deeper scene
understanding, while object affordances (or functionalities) are of great importance for …
understanding, while object affordances (or functionalities) are of great importance for …