Photonuclear reactions—From basic research to applications

A Zilges, DL Balabanski, J Isaak, N Pietralla - Progress in Particle and …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Nuclear reactions induced by photons play a vital role for very different aspects of basic
research and applications in physics. They are a key ingredient for the synthesis of nuclei in …

Experimental information on mass-and TKE-dependence of the prompt fission γ-ray multiplicity

M Travar, V Piau, A Göök, O Litaize, J Nikolov… - Physics Letters B, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Prompt γ rays from the spontaneous fission of 252 Cf were measured with cerium-doped
LaBr 3 detectors. The average prompt fission γ-ray multiplicity, M γ, was determined as a …

Kinetic energy distribution for photofission of light actinides

PM Kaldiani - Physical Review C, 2020‏ - APS
The scission point model has been used to calculate the total kinetic energy (TKE) as a
function of fission fragments for photofission reactions. By comparing the calculated TKE …

Total kinetic energy and mass yields from the fast neutron-induced fission of

A Chemey, A Pica, L Yao, W Loveland, HY Lee… - The European Physical …, 2020‏ - Springer
The total kinetic energy (TKE) release in fission is an important observable, constituting over
80% of the energy released in fission (E _ f ≈ 200~ MeV E f≈ 200 MeV). While the TKE …

Total kinetic energy release in the fast-neutron-induced fission of

A Pica, AT Chemey, L Yao, W Loveland, HY Lee… - Physical Review C, 2020‏ - APS
The total kinetic energy (TKE) release in the fast neutron-induced fission of Np 237 was
measured for neutron energies from E n= 2.6–100 MeV at the Los Alamos Neutron Science …

Pulse-height defect of Ar+ CF4 mixtures as a counting gas for fission-fragment detectors

M Peck, A Göök, J Enders, FJ Hambsch… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
For the detection of energetic charged particles, gaseous ionization detectors use a variety
of counting gases. We studied the properties of non-flammable, high stop**-power Ar+ CF …

Total excitation energy distribution for neutron-induced fission and photo-fission of uranium isotopes

PM Kaldiani - Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The fission fragment total excitation energy, TXE (A), is investigated for neutron-induced
fission of uranium isotopes using three different methods. Different methods for calculations …

Kinetic energy distribution for neutron-induced fission of neptunium isotopes

PM Kaldiani - Chinese Physics C, 2021‏ -
Kinetic energy distribution for neutron-induced fission of neptunium isotopes - IOPscience
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Deformation parameter changes in fission mass yields within the systematic statistical scission-point model

PM Kaldiani - Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021‏ -
The fission fragment mass-yields are evaluated for pre-actinide and actinide isotopes using
a systematic statistical scission point model. The total potential energy of the fissioning …

Systematic approach to calculate the total kinetic energy distribution of actinides for the photofission phenomenon

PM Kaldiani - Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2021‏ - Springer
The total kinetic energy as a function of fragment mass (TKE/A) was calculated for
photofission of^ 232 Th,^ 234 U,^ 238 U,^ 240 Pu, and^ 242 Pu using a systematic statistical …