Turbulence processes within turbidity currents
Sediment-laden gravity currents, or turbidity currents, are density-driven flows that transport
vast quantities of particulate material across the floor of lakes and oceans. Turbidity currents …
vast quantities of particulate material across the floor of lakes and oceans. Turbidity currents …
[HTML][HTML] The hyperpycnite problem
G Shanmugam - Journal of Palaeogeography, 2018 - Springer
Sedimentologic, oceanographic, and hydraulic engineering publications on hyperpycnal
flows claim that (1) river flows transform into turbidity currents at plunge points near the …
flows claim that (1) river flows transform into turbidity currents at plunge points near the …
Particle-scale analysis on dynamic response of turbidity currents to sediment concentration and bedforms
Y Lu, X Liu, X **e, J Sun, Y Yang, X Guo - Physics of Fluids, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
The evolution of turbidity currents covers multiple physical processes, such as fluid
entrainment, self-acceleration, and sediment deposition, which are associated with sediment …
entrainment, self-acceleration, and sediment deposition, which are associated with sediment …
Late Quaternary mud‐dominated, basin‐floor sedimentation of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: Implications for deep‐water depositional processes and controls on syn‐rift …
Syn‐rift deep‐water muds and mudstones preserve a relatively complete stratigraphic
record of tectonic and climatic events. This paper investigates mud‐dominated deposits and …
record of tectonic and climatic events. This paper investigates mud‐dominated deposits and …
Hyperpycnal delivery of sand to the continental shelf: Insights from the Jurassic Lajas Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Hyperpycnal currents are river‐derived turbidity currents capable of transporting significant
volumes of sediment from the shoreline onto the shelf and potentially further to deep ocean …
volumes of sediment from the shoreline onto the shelf and potentially further to deep ocean …
Highstand shelf fans: The role of buoyancy reversal in the deposition of a new type of shelf sand body
Although sea-level highstands are typically associated with sediment-starved continental
shelves, high sea level does not hinder major river floods. Turbidity currents generated by …
shelves, high sea level does not hinder major river floods. Turbidity currents generated by …
[HTML][HTML] Sedimentation patterns from turbidity currents associated to hydrodynamical transport modes
T Serra, M Soler, J Colomer - Sedimentary Geology, 2025 - Elsevier
Turbidity currents are mechanisms that transport sediment from continental landscapes into
coastal areas and therefore into oceans, reservoirs and lakes. Turbulence at the head of the …
coastal areas and therefore into oceans, reservoirs and lakes. Turbulence at the head of the …
Subaqueous sandy mass-transport deposits in lacustrine facies of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, Central China
X Li, H Liu, S Pan, Q Chen, R WanYan, W Xu… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2018 - Elsevier
Subaqueous sandy mass-transport deposits (SMTDs), which are a type of sedimentary
deposit formed in deep water environments, have attracted increased attention in recent …
deposit formed in deep water environments, have attracted increased attention in recent …
Transport mechanisms of sand in deep-marine environments—insights based on laboratory experiments
The transport and deposition of sand in deepwater submarine environments has traditionally
been linked mainly to dilute sediment gravity flows of turbulent character, generally referred …
been linked mainly to dilute sediment gravity flows of turbulent character, generally referred …
Intrusions of sediment laden rivers into density stratified water columns could be an unrecognized source of mixing in many lakes and coastal oceans
When a sediment laden river flows into a stratified water body, the water mass can either
intrude as an overflow, interflow or underflow, depending upon the density contrast. Different …
intrude as an overflow, interflow or underflow, depending upon the density contrast. Different …