Internet jones and the raiders of the lost trackers: An archaeological study of web tracking from 1996 to 2016
Though web tracking and its privacy implications have received much attention in recent
years, that attention has come relatively recently in the history of the web and lacks full …
years, that attention has come relatively recently in the history of the web and lacks full …
Block me if you can: A large-scale study of tracker-blocking tools
In this paper, we quantify the effectiveness of third-party tracker blockers on a large scale.
First, we analyze the architecture of various state-of-the-art blocking solutions and discuss …
First, we analyze the architecture of various state-of-the-art blocking solutions and discuss …
Adgraph: A graph-based approach to ad and tracker blocking
User demand for blocking advertising and tracking online is large and growing. Existing
tools, both deployed and described in research, have proven useful, but lack either the …
tools, both deployed and described in research, have proven useful, but lack either the …
Tracking the trackers
Online tracking poses a serious privacy challenge that has drawn significant attention in
both academia and industry. Existing approaches for preventing user tracking, based on …
both academia and industry. Existing approaches for preventing user tracking, based on …
Fedpacket: A federated learning approach to mobile packet classification
E Bakopoulou, B Tillman… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
In order to improve mobile data transparency, various approaches have been proposed to
inspect network traffic generated by mobile devices and detect exposure of personally …
inspect network traffic generated by mobile devices and detect exposure of personally …
The cname of the game: Large-scale analysis of dns-based tracking evasion
Online tracking is a whack-a-mole game between trackers who build and monetize
behavioral user profiles through intrusive data collection, and anti-tracking mechanisms …
behavioral user profiles through intrusive data collection, and anti-tracking mechanisms …
Nomoads: Effective and efficient cross-app mobile ad-blocking
Although advertising is a popular strategy for mobile app monetization, it is often desirable to
block ads in order to improve usability, performance, privacy, and security. In this paper, we …
block ads in order to improve usability, performance, privacy, and security. In this paper, we …
The future of ad blocking: An analytical framework and new techniques
We present a systematic study of ad blocking-and the associated" arms race"-as a security
problem. We model ad blocking as a state space with four states and six state transitions …
problem. We model ad blocking as a state space with four states and six state transitions …
Tracking on the Web, Mobile and the Internet of Things
R Binns - Foundations and Trends® in Web Science, 2022 -
Abstract “Tracking” is the collection of data about an individual's activity across multiple
distinct contexts and the retention, use, or sharing of data derived from that activity outside …
distinct contexts and the retention, use, or sharing of data derived from that activity outside …
A comparison of web privacy protection techniques
Tracking is pervasive on the web. Third party trackers acquire user data through information
leak from websites, and user browsing history using cookies and device fingerprinting. In …
leak from websites, and user browsing history using cookies and device fingerprinting. In …