Zooplankton grazing on Phaeocystis: a quantitative review and future challenges

JC Nejstgaard, KW Tang, M Steinke, J Dutz, M Koski… - Biogeochemistry, 2007 - Springer
The worldwide colony-forming haptophyte phytoplankton Phaeocystis spp. are key
organisms in trophic and biogeochemical processes in the ocean. Many organisms from …

Research design influence on study outcomes in crime and justice: A partial replication with public area surveillance

BC Welsh, ME Peel, DP Farrington, H Elffers… - Journal of Experimental …, 2011 - Springer
Does the quality of research design have an influence on study outcomes in crime and
justice? This was the subject of an important study by Weisburd et al.(2001). They found a …

Climate change and harmful algal blooms in the North Sea

L Peperzak - Acta Oecologica, 2003 - Elsevier
The projected effect of climate change for the year 2100 in the coastal zone of The
Netherlands, a 4° C temperature rise and increased salinity stratification, on the growth rates …

A mesocosm study of Phaeocystis globosa population dynamics: I. Regulatory role of viruses in bloom control

CPD Brussaard, B Kuipers, MJW Veldhuis - Harmful algae, 2005 - Elsevier
The regulatory role of viruses on population dynamics of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis
globosa was studied during a mesocosm experiment in relation to growth and loss by …

Observations on recent mass mortality events of marine mussels in the Oosterschelde, the Netherlands

JJ Capelle, AB Garcia, P Kamermans… - Aquaculture …, 2021 - Springer
Two mass mortality events (MMEs) of marine mussels that took place in the Oosterschelde,
the Netherlands—the first in 2015/2016 and the second in 2019—both severely affected …

Nuisance foam events and Phaeocystis globosa blooms in Dutch coastal waters analyzed with fuzzy logic

AN Blauw, FJ Los, J Huisman, L Peperzak - Journal of Marine Systems, 2010 - Elsevier
Phaeocystis globosa is a nuisance algal species because it can cause foam on beaches
which are associated with coastal blooms. Models of Phaeocystis have considered its bloom …

Biologically induced modification of seawater viscosity in the Eastern English Channel during a Phaeocystis globosa spring bloom

L Seuront, D Vincent, JG Mitchell - Journal of Marine Systems, 2006 - Elsevier
To identify the potential relationship between Pheaocystis globosa bloom conditions and
seawater properties, a hydrobiological survey was performed in the inshore waters of the …

A mesocosm study of Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae) population dynamics: II. Significance for the microbial community

CPD Brussaard, X Mari, JDL Van Bleijswijk… - Harmful algae, 2005 - Elsevier
The impact of Phaeocystis globosa population decline on the microbial community was
studied during a mesocosm experiment, with irradiance regime and inorganic N: P ratios (4 …

Development of a coupled physical–biological ecosystem model ECOSMO: part I: model description and validation for the North Sea

C Schrum, I Alekseeva, MS John - Journal of Marine Systems, 2006 - Elsevier
A 3-D coupled biophysical model ECOSMO (ECOSystem MOdel) has been developed. The
biological module of ECOSMO is based on lower trophic level interactions between two …

Giantism and its role in the harmful algal bloom species Phaeocystis globosa

WO Smith Jr, X Liu, KW Tang, LM DeLizo… - Deep Sea Research …, 2014 - Elsevier
The cosmopolitan alga Phaeocystis globosa forms large blooms in shallow coastal waters
off the Viet Nam coast, which impacts the local aquaculture and fishing industries …