Tamm Review: On the strength of evidence when comparing ecosystem functions of mixtures with monocultures
DI Forrester, H Pretzsch - Forest Ecology and Management, 2015 - Elsevier
The diversity of dominant tree species in a forest might strongly influence ecosystem
functions and services, but the current evidence is not strong enough to provide general …
functions and services, but the current evidence is not strong enough to provide general …
Tree water uptake in a tropical plantation varying in tree diversity: interspecific differences, seasonal shifts and complementarity
L Schwendenmann, E Pendall… - …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We studied tree water uptake patterns, tested for complementary water use among species
and analysed controlling factors in a tropical tree diversity experiment. The water uptake …
and analysed controlling factors in a tropical tree diversity experiment. The water uptake …
A meta-analytical global comparison of aboveground biomass accumulation between tropical secondary forests and monoculture plantations
Secondary forests and monoculture plantations are widespread in the tropics and are the
two most common forms of reforestation. To assess the value of both systems for CO2 …
two most common forms of reforestation. To assess the value of both systems for CO2 …
Enhanced light interception and light use efficiency explain overyielding in young tree communities
Diverse plant communities are often more productive than mono‐specific ones. Several
possible mechanisms underlie this phenomenon but their relative importance remains …
possible mechanisms underlie this phenomenon but their relative importance remains …
[BOK][B] Large-scale forest restoration
D Lamb - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Landscapes are being degraded and simplified across the globe. This book explores how
forest restoration might be carried out to increase landscape heterogeneity, improve …
forest restoration might be carried out to increase landscape heterogeneity, improve …
Complementarity and redundancy of interactions enhance attack rates and spatial stability in host–parasitoid food webs
Complementary resource use and redundancy of species that fulfill the same ecological role
are two mechanisms that can respectively increase and stabilize process rates in …
are two mechanisms that can respectively increase and stabilize process rates in …
Effects of Eucalyptus litter and roots on the establishment of native tree species in Eucalyptus plantations in South China
Transforming plantation monocultures into sustainable, mixed-species forests that contain
native species is an important goal in South China. The establishment of native species in …
native species is an important goal in South China. The establishment of native species in …
Recovery of floristic diversity and basal area in natural forest regeneration and planted plots in a Costa Rican wet forest
AC Gilman, SG Letcher, RM Fincher, AI Perez… - Biotropica, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
When compared to planted reforestation, natural unassisted regeneration is often reported
to result in slow recovery of biomass and biodiversity, especially early in succession. In …
to result in slow recovery of biomass and biodiversity, especially early in succession. In …
Effects of neighboring woody plants on target trees with emphasis on effects of understorey shrubs on overstorey physiology in forest communities: a mini-review
Plant-plant interaction plays a key role in regulating the composition and structure of
communities and ecosystems. Studies of plant-plant interactions in forest ecosystems have …
communities and ecosystems. Studies of plant-plant interactions in forest ecosystems have …
Detecting terrestrial nutrient limitation: a global meta-analysis of foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization
R Ostertag, NM DiManno - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2016 - frontiersin.org
Examining foliar nutrient concentrations after fertilization provides an alternative method for
detecting nutrient limitation of ecosystems, which is logistically simpler to measure than …
detecting nutrient limitation of ecosystems, which is logistically simpler to measure than …