A methodological synthesis of self-paced reading in second language research

E Marsden, S Thompson, L Plonsky - Applied Psycholinguistics, 2018 - cambridge.org
Self-paced reading tests (SPRs) are being increasingly adopted by second language (L2)
researchers. Using SPR with L2 populations presents specific challenges, and its use is still …

Outliers in L2 research in applied linguistics: A synthesis and data re-analysis

C Nicklin, L Plonsky - Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 2020 - cambridge.org
Data from self-paced reading (SPR) tasks are routinely checked for statistical outliers
(Marsden, Thompson, & Plonsky, 2018). Such data points can be handled in a variety of …

Incidental vocabulary acquisition through viewing L2 television and factors that affect learning

E Peters, S Webb - Studies in second language acquisition, 2018 - cambridge.org
Research has begun to demonstrate that L2 words can be learned incidentally through
watching audio-visual materials. Although there are a large number of studies that have …

Vocabulary learning strategies in extramural English gaming and their relationship with vocabulary knowledge

R Calafato, T Clausen - Computer Assisted Language Learning, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Research has shown that students learning English as a foreign language can enhance
their vocabulary knowledge through exposure to the target language outside of school …

Coming of age: The past, present, and future of quantitative SLA research

S Gass, S Loewen, L Plonsky - Language Teaching, 2021 - cambridge.org
First, we trace the history of second language acquisition (SLA) from early stages in the mid-
twentieth century to today. We next consider the status of the field in today's research world …

Multiple regression as a flexible alternative to ANOVA in L2 research

L Plonsky, FL Oswald - Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2017 - cambridge.org
Second language (L2) research relies heavily and increasingly on ANOVA (analysis of
variance)-based results as a means to advance theory and practice. This fact alone should …

The effects of feedback explicitness and type of target structure on accuracy in revision and new pieces of writing

W Suzuki, H Nassaji, K Sato - System, 2019 - Elsevier
This study examines the interactional effect of written corrective feedback (WCF) explicitness
and type of target structure on the accuracy of students' revision and new pieces of writing. A …

Learning formulaic sequences through viewing L2 television and factors that affect learning

E Puimège, E Peters - Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2020 - cambridge.org
The present study explores the incidental learning of formulaic sequences (FS) from audio-
visual input and factors affecting the learning of FS. A pretest-posttest, within-participant …

A review of the methodological quality of quantitative mobile-assisted language learning research

Z Hou, V Aryadoust - System, 2021 - Elsevier
Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) is a novel approach to language learning and
teaching. The present study aims to review the methodological quality of quantitative MALL …

Learning vocabulary through assisted repeated reading: How much time should there be between repetitions of the same text?

R Serrano, HY Huang - Tesol Quarterly, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Repeated reading, which involves the reading of short passages several times, has been
demonstrated to be beneficial for second language fluency (Chang & Millett,) and …