Propaganda and misinformation on Facebook and Twitter during the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Online social media represent an oftentimes unique source of information, and having
access to reliable and unbiased content is crucial, especially during crises and contentious …
access to reliable and unbiased content is crucial, especially during crises and contentious …
How does Twitter account moderation work? Dynamics of account creation and suspension on Twitter during major geopolitical events
Social media moderation policies are often at the center of public debate, and their
implementation and enactment are sometimes surrounded by a veil of mystery …
implementation and enactment are sometimes surrounded by a veil of mystery …
Strategic storytelling: Russian state-backed media coverage of the Ukraine War
Strategic narratives help shape wars. In modern history, strategic narratives were used
during the Cold War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War to justify military invasions …
during the Cold War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War to justify military invasions …
Mcrock at semeval-2024 task 4: Mistral 7b for multilingual detection of persuasion techniques in memes
M Siino - Proceedings Of The 18th International Workshop On …, 2024 -
One of the most widely used content types in internet misinformation campaigns is memes.
Since they can readily reach a big number of users on social media sites, they are most …
Since they can readily reach a big number of users on social media sites, they are most …
Diffusion of community fact-checked misinformation on twitter
The spread of misinformation on social media is a pressing societal problem that platforms,
policymakers, and researchers continue to grapple with. As a countermeasure, recent works …
policymakers, and researchers continue to grapple with. As a countermeasure, recent works …
Mechanisms of true and false rumor sharing in social media: collective intelligence or herd behavior?
Social media platforms disseminate extensive volumes of online content, including true and,
in particular, false rumors. Previous literature has studied the diffusion of offline rumors, yet …
in particular, false rumors. Previous literature has studied the diffusion of offline rumors, yet …
The Russian invasion of Ukraine selectively depolarized the Finnish NATO discussion on Twitter
It is often thought that an external threat increases the internal cohesion of a nation, and thus
decreases polarization. We examine this proposition by analyzing NATO discussion …
decreases polarization. We examine this proposition by analyzing NATO discussion …
Believability and harmfulness shape the virality of misleading social media posts
Misinformation on social media presents a major threat to modern societies. While previous
research has analyzed the virality across true and false social media posts, not every …
research has analyzed the virality across true and false social media posts, not every …
Comparing the willingness to share for human-generated vs. AI-generated fake news
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents large risks for society when it is used to create
fake news. A crucial factor for fake news to go viral on social media is that users share such …
fake news. A crucial factor for fake news to go viral on social media is that users share such …
Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of september 2022
We perform a multi-scale analysis of the geometric structure of the network of X (Twitter at
the time of data collection) interactions surrounding the Italian snap general elections of …
the time of data collection) interactions surrounding the Italian snap general elections of …