Multifunctional applications of biochar beyond carbon storage
Biochar is produced as a charred material with high surface area and abundant functional
groups by pyrolysis, which refers to the process of thermochemical decomposition of organic …
groups by pyrolysis, which refers to the process of thermochemical decomposition of organic …
A comprehensive review of engineered biochar: production, characteristics, and environmental applications
A sustainable management of environment and agriculture is crucial to protect soil, water,
and air during intensified agriculture practices as well as huge industrial and transportation …
and air during intensified agriculture practices as well as huge industrial and transportation …
Biochar aging: mechanisms, physicochemical changes, assessment, and implications for field applications
Biochar has triggered a black gold rush in environmental studies as a carbon-rich material
with well-developed porous structure and tunable functionality. While much attention has …
with well-developed porous structure and tunable functionality. While much attention has …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrochar: a review on its production technologies and applications
Recently, due to the escalating usage of non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal, natural
gas and petroleum coke in electricity and power generation, and associated issues with …
gas and petroleum coke in electricity and power generation, and associated issues with …
Biochar effects on crop yields with and without fertilizer: A meta‐analysis of field studies using separate controls
The added value of biochar when applied along with fertilizers, beyond that of the fertilizers
themselves, has not been summarized. Focusing on direct comparisons between biochar …
themselves, has not been summarized. Focusing on direct comparisons between biochar …
The role of biochar and biochar-compost in improving soil quality and crop performance: A review
Multiple nutrient deficiencies related to severe soil fertility depletion have emerged as the
major constraint to the sustainability of agriculture on a global scale. Use of biochar and …
major constraint to the sustainability of agriculture on a global scale. Use of biochar and …
Biochar application for the remediation of salt-affected soils: Challenges and opportunities
Soil salinization and sodification are two commonly occurring major threats to soil
productivity in arable croplands. Salt-affected soils are found in> 100 countries, and their …
productivity in arable croplands. Salt-affected soils are found in> 100 countries, and their …
Biochar to improve soil fertility. A review
Soil mineral depletion is a major issue due mainly to soil erosion and nutrient leaching. The
addition of biochar is a solution because biochar has been shown to improve soil fertility, to …
addition of biochar is a solution because biochar has been shown to improve soil fertility, to …
Techno-economic analysis reveals the untapped potential of wood biochar
Abstract The United Nations estimates the rate of deforestation over 10 million hectares per
year, with additional infested wood available due to drought, bark beetle calamity and other …
year, with additional infested wood available due to drought, bark beetle calamity and other …
Remediation of cadmium and lead polluted soil using thiol-modified biochar
Thiol-modified rice straw biochar (RS) was prepared by an esterification reaction with β-
mercaptoethanol and used for the remediation of Cd and Pb polluted soils. Modified biochar …
mercaptoethanol and used for the remediation of Cd and Pb polluted soils. Modified biochar …