Totally Between Subjectivity and Discourse. Exploring the Pragmatic Side of Intensification.

A Beltrama - Journal of Semantics, 2018 -
Abstract In American English, the intensifier totally presents a pragmatic use, in which it
strengthens the speaker's commitment towards the utterance (eg 'The Bulls will totally make …

Bridging the gap: Intensifiers between semantic and social meaning

A Beltrama - 2016 -
The ability to convey meaning is a fundamental property of human language. Three main
aspects, in particular, have drawn the attention of linguists: semantic meaning, that is, the …

The social meaning of semantic properties

A Beltrama, LS Casasanto, L Hall-Lew… - Social meaning and …, 2021 -
Studies within the third-wave approach have unveiled the fluid nature of social meanings,
showing how speakers can creatively recruit and recombine linguistic resources to make …

Getting close-ish: A corpus-based exploration of-ish as a marker of approximation and vagueness

M Eitelmann, D Haumann - Zeitschrift für Wortbildung/Journal …, 2023 -
This paper investigates the approximative nature of-ish, which takes its origin in de-
adjectival adjectives in Middle English and from there spreads to-ish-derivatives from a wide …

From engl-isc to whatever-ish: A corpus-based investigation of-ish derivation in the history of English

M Eitelmann, KE Haugland… - English Language & …, 2020 -
Drawing on a wide array of historical and contemporary corpora, this article provides one of
the first empirical analyses of the intricately related functional changes that-ish underwent in …

Towards a morphosyntactic analysis of -ish

I Oltra-Massuet - Word Structure, 2017 -
This article deals with the morphosyntactic and semantic properties of the adjectives derived
with the English morpheme-ish. The main goal of the paper is to outline a morphosyntactic …

Grammaticalization in morphology

M Norde - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, 2020 -
Grammaticalization is traditionally defined as the gradual process whereby a lexical item
becomes a grammatical item (primary grammaticalization), which may be followed by further …

Extravagance in morphology: Introduction

M Eitelmann, D Haumann - Extravagant Morphology, 2022 -
. On the notion of extravagance is volume focuses on morphological extravagance as arising
through speakers' innovative realisations of abstract patterns. e term “extravagant” harks …

Metalinguistic gradability

RE Rudolph, AW Kocurek - Semantics and Pragmatics, 2024 -
We present a novel semantic and conversational framework for a class of gradable-like
constructions. These include metalinguistic comparatives, like 'Ann is more a linguist than a …

Pejorative suffixes and combining forms in English

JA Sánchez Fajardo - 2022 -
Language change is as unpredictable as the tides […] What level on the beach will the
incoming tide reach tomorrow? Will the wavelets hit that pebble? Who can say? It depends …