Current trends and innovations in enhancing the aerodynamic performance of small-scale, horizontal axis wind turbines: A review
Wind energy has proven to be one of the most promising resources to meet the challenges
of rising clean energy demand and mitigate environmental pollution. The global new …
of rising clean energy demand and mitigate environmental pollution. The global new …
High-fidelity wind turbine wake velocity prediction by surrogate model based on d-POD and LSTM
To optimize wind farm layout and improve wind energy conversion, it is significant to
accurately and efficiently model wind turbine wake. In this study, a novel dimensionality …
accurately and efficiently model wind turbine wake. In this study, a novel dimensionality …
[HTML][HTML] Critical issues in the moving reference frame CFD simulation of small horizontal axis wind turbines
Steady computational fluid dynamics with the Moving Reference Frame method has shown
promise as a tool for assessing the aerodynamic performance of small horizontal-axis wind …
promise as a tool for assessing the aerodynamic performance of small horizontal-axis wind …
Investigation of the effect of hidden vortex generator-flap integrated mechanism revealed in low velocities on wind turbine blade flow
In this study, the flap and vortex generator (VG) mechanisms which were employed
separately in aircraft were used as integrated first in literature. In this mechanism, the flap …
separately in aircraft were used as integrated first in literature. In this mechanism, the flap …
Effect of baffles on efficiency of darrieus vertical axis wind turbines equipped with J-type blades
This study investigates the effects of incorporating baffles in J-type bladed vertical axis wind
turbines. The objectives are to analyze the behavior of vortices and their impact on turbine …
turbines. The objectives are to analyze the behavior of vortices and their impact on turbine …
Aerodynamic performance improvements for a Savonius turbine above a forward-facing step via inclined solar panel: A computational study
The transformation of urban energy structure is an urgent problem to be solved in
sustainable construction. To fully exploit and utilise renewable energy, this study proposes a …
sustainable construction. To fully exploit and utilise renewable energy, this study proposes a …
Wind energy assessment in forested regions based on the combination of WRF and LSTM-attention models
In recent years, the energy crisis has become increasingly severe, and global attention has
shifted towards the development and utilization of wind energy. The establishment of wind …
shifted towards the development and utilization of wind energy. The establishment of wind …
[HTML][HTML] Machine learning-based approach to wind turbine wake prediction under yawed conditions
As wind energy continues to be a crucial part of sustainable power generation, the need for
precise and efficient modeling of wind turbines, especially under yawed conditions …
precise and efficient modeling of wind turbines, especially under yawed conditions …
[HTML][HTML] Blade height impact on self-starting torque for Darrieus vertical axis wind turbines
Self-starting torque (T Self-s tarting) presents a significant challenge for Darrieus vertical
axis wind turbines (DVAWTs), often necessitating external assistance to initiate rotation. This …
axis wind turbines (DVAWTs), often necessitating external assistance to initiate rotation. This …
Low-speed, low induction multi-blade rotor for energy efficient small wind turbines
O Yilmaz - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
To promote the deployment of small wind turbines (SWTs), thorough understanding of
design parameter implications is essential. In-depth research is required to comprehend the …
design parameter implications is essential. In-depth research is required to comprehend the …