A survey on deployment techniques, localization algorithms, and research challenges for underwater acoustic sensor networks
G Tuna, VC Gungor - International Journal of Communication …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted the attention of both the
research community and the industry, and this has eventually lead to the widespread use of …
research community and the industry, and this has eventually lead to the widespread use of …
Underwater wireless sensor networks: Enabling technologies for node deployment and data collection challenges
The development of underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) has attracted great
interest from many researchers and scientists to detect and monitor unfamiliar underwater …
interest from many researchers and scientists to detect and monitor unfamiliar underwater …
A survey on deployment algorithms in underwater acoustic sensor networks
Node deployment is one of the fundamental tasks for underwater acoustic sensor networks
(UASNs) where the deployment strategy supports many fundamental network services, such …
(UASNs) where the deployment strategy supports many fundamental network services, such …
Impacts of deployment strategies on localization performance in underwater acoustic sensor networks
When setting up an underwater acoustic sensor network (UASN), node deployment is the
first and foremost task, upon which many fundamental network services, such as network …
first and foremost task, upon which many fundamental network services, such as network …
Coverage path planning with track spacing adaptation for autonomous underwater vehicles
In this letter we address the mine countermeasures (MCM) search problem for an
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) surveying the seabed using a side-looking sonar …
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) surveying the seabed using a side-looking sonar …
A node self-localization algorithm with a mobile anchor node in underwater acoustic sensor networks
Aiming at improving the localization accuracy, reducing network cost, and energy loss in the
3-D environment, this paper proposes a mobile node localization algorithm based on …
3-D environment, this paper proposes a mobile node localization algorithm based on …
A prior information‐based coverage path planner for underwater search and rescue using autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with side‐scan sonar
The coverage path planning (CPP) technique attracts growing interest in studies on
underwater search and rescue (SAR) conducted with an autonomous underwater vehicle …
underwater search and rescue (SAR) conducted with an autonomous underwater vehicle …
An ensemble method for automatic real-time detection, evaluation and position of exposed subsea pipelines based on 3D real-time sonar system
C **ong, S Lian, W Chen - Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2023 - Springer
At present, traditional subsea pipeline structural health monitoring (SHM) uses the sonar
equipment, which needs to post-process the obtained data. Then the sonar images can be …
equipment, which needs to post-process the obtained data. Then the sonar images can be …
Deep multi-look sequence processing for synthetic aperture sonar image segmentation
Deep learning has enabled significant improvements in semantic image segmentation,
especially in underwater imaging domains such as side scan sonar (SSS). In this work, we …
especially in underwater imaging domains such as side scan sonar (SSS). In this work, we …
State prediction-based data collection algorithm in underwater acoustic sensor networks
In recent years, developments in data collection schemes based on multiple autonomous
underwater vehicles (AUVs) are facilitating the realization of the so-called underwater …
underwater vehicles (AUVs) are facilitating the realization of the so-called underwater …