[HTML][HTML] Willow short-rotation coppice as model system for exploring ecological theory on biodiversity–ecosystem function
M Weih, C Glynn, C Baum - Diversity, 2019 - mdpi.com
Plantations of willow (Salix spp.) are today grown as short-rotation coppice (SRC) for the
sustainable production of biomass. While develo** these production systems in the past …
sustainable production of biomass. While develo** these production systems in the past …
General patterns of beavers' selective foraging: how to evaluate the effects of a re-emerging driver of vegetation change along Central European small watercourses
Along small watercourses, the growth and renewal of native willows and poplars
(Salicaceae species) are hindered by the effects of past and recent man-made landscape …
(Salicaceae species) are hindered by the effects of past and recent man-made landscape …
[PDF][PDF] Sexual dimorphism in response to stress
Sexual dimorphism in secondary traits (differences between the sexes in characteristics
others 12 than the sexual organs) is widespread in plants (Geber and Dawson, 1999; Barrett …
others 12 than the sexual organs) is widespread in plants (Geber and Dawson, 1999; Barrett …
New evidence suggests no sex bias in herbivory or plant defense
Dioecious plants can exhibit sexual dimorphism across a suite of plant traits, including
susceptibility to herbivory and secondary chemistry. One hypothesis is that because of …
susceptibility to herbivory and secondary chemistry. One hypothesis is that because of …
Sex-Related Differences in Growth, Herbivory, and Defense of Two Salix Species
G Yang, Q Xu, W Li, J Ling, X Li, T Yin - Forests, 2020 - mdpi.com
Sex-related differences in sex ratio, growth, and herbivory are widely documented in many
dioecious plants. The common pattern is for males to grow faster than females and to be less …
dioecious plants. The common pattern is for males to grow faster than females and to be less …
Community-based biotic effects as determinants of tree resistance to pests and pathogens
GR Iason, J Taylor, S Helfer - Forest Ecology and Management, 2018 - Elsevier
In the light of the global increase in forest pests and diseases, accompanied by withdrawal
of chemical pesticides and fungicides, we review recent advances in how forest tree …
of chemical pesticides and fungicides, we review recent advances in how forest tree …
The Cost of Self‐Defense: Browsing Effects in the Rare Plant Species Salix arizonica
SJ Lencioni, R Massatti, K Keefover‐Ring… - Ecology and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Coevolution between plants and their animal predators has led to diverse defensive
adaptations. Multiple theories of defense propose that there are resource allocation costs …
adaptations. Multiple theories of defense propose that there are resource allocation costs …
The interactions between habitat, sex, biomass and leaf traits of different willow (Salix) genotypes
Abstract Knowledge of the impacts of sex on plant mortality and biomass production has
scientific and practical importance. In the case of willows, we know relatively little about such …
scientific and practical importance. In the case of willows, we know relatively little about such …
Sex-driven neighborhood effects on herbivory in the dioecious Mediterranean palm Chamaeropshumilis L.
Although it is well recognized that the strength of plant–herbivore interactions can vary with
the plant sex, the distance, and the density of conspecific neighbors, no study has yet …
the plant sex, the distance, and the density of conspecific neighbors, no study has yet …
Parasite–offspring competition for female resources can explain male-biased parasitism in plants
KJ Yule, KC Burns - Biology Letters, 2019 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Male-biased susceptibility to parasites is common in dioecious plants. However, why males
have higher parasite loads than females is unclear. Unlike males, females must subsidize …
have higher parasite loads than females is unclear. Unlike males, females must subsidize …