[HTML][HTML] Willow short-rotation coppice as model system for exploring ecological theory on biodiversity–ecosystem function

M Weih, C Glynn, C Baum - Diversity, 2019 - mdpi.com
Plantations of willow (Salix spp.) are today grown as short-rotation coppice (SRC) for the
sustainable production of biomass. While develo** these production systems in the past …

[PDF][PDF] Sexual dimorphism in response to stress

R Retuerto, J Sánchez Vilas… - … and Experimental Botany, 2018 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
Sexual dimorphism in secondary traits (differences between the sexes in characteristics
others 12 than the sexual organs) is widespread in plants (Geber and Dawson, 1999; Barrett …

New evidence suggests no sex bias in herbivory or plant defense

RD Sargent, AD McKeough - The American Naturalist, 2022 - journals.uchicago.edu
Dioecious plants can exhibit sexual dimorphism across a suite of plant traits, including
susceptibility to herbivory and secondary chemistry. One hypothesis is that because of …

Sex-Related Differences in Growth, Herbivory, and Defense of Two Salix Species

G Yang, Q Xu, W Li, J Ling, X Li, T Yin - Forests, 2020 - mdpi.com
Sex-related differences in sex ratio, growth, and herbivory are widely documented in many
dioecious plants. The common pattern is for males to grow faster than females and to be less …

Community-based biotic effects as determinants of tree resistance to pests and pathogens

GR Iason, J Taylor, S Helfer - Forest Ecology and Management, 2018 - Elsevier
In the light of the global increase in forest pests and diseases, accompanied by withdrawal
of chemical pesticides and fungicides, we review recent advances in how forest tree …

The Cost of Self‐Defense: Browsing Effects in the Rare Plant Species Salix arizonica

SJ Lencioni, R Massatti, K Keefover‐Ring… - Ecology and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Coevolution between plants and their animal predators has led to diverse defensive
adaptations. Multiple theories of defense propose that there are resource allocation costs …

The interactions between habitat, sex, biomass and leaf traits of different willow (Salix) genotypes

M Konatowska, P Rutkowski, A Budka… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge of the impacts of sex on plant mortality and biomass production has
scientific and practical importance. In the case of willows, we know relatively little about such …

Sex-driven neighborhood effects on herbivory in the dioecious Mediterranean palm Chamaeropshumilis L.

R Muñoz-Gallego, T Wiegand, A Traveset, JM Fedriani - Oecologia, 2023 - Springer
Although it is well recognized that the strength of plant–herbivore interactions can vary with
the plant sex, the distance, and the density of conspecific neighbors, no study has yet …

Parasite–offspring competition for female resources can explain male-biased parasitism in plants

KJ Yule, KC Burns - Biology Letters, 2019 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Male-biased susceptibility to parasites is common in dioecious plants. However, why males
have higher parasite loads than females is unclear. Unlike males, females must subsidize …