Flow and extraction of energy and charge carriers in hybrid plasmonic nanostructures
Strong interactions of electromagnetic fields with plasmonic nanomaterials have been
exploited in various applications. These applications have centred on plasmon-enhanced …
exploited in various applications. These applications have centred on plasmon-enhanced …
Electron-beam spectroscopy for nanophotonics
Progress in electron-beam spectroscopies has recently enabled the study of optical
excitations with combined space, energy and time resolution in the nanometre …
excitations with combined space, energy and time resolution in the nanometre …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in ultrafast plasmonics
In the past 20 years, we have reached a broad understanding of many light-driven
phenomena in nanoscale systems. The temporal dynamics of the excited states are instead …
phenomena in nanoscale systems. The temporal dynamics of the excited states are instead …
Strong-field nano-optics
The present status and development of strong-field nano-optics, an emerging field of
nonlinear optics, is discussed. A nonperturbative regime of light-matter interactions is …
nonlinear optics, is discussed. A nonperturbative regime of light-matter interactions is …
Meta-optics inspired surface plasmon devices
Surface plasmons (SPs) are electromagnetic surface waves that propagate at the interface
between a conductor and a dielectric. Due to their unique ability to concentrate light on two …
between a conductor and a dielectric. Due to their unique ability to concentrate light on two …
Coherent interaction between free electrons and a photonic cavity
Advances in the research of interactions between ultrafast free electrons and light have
introduced a previously unknown kind of quantum matter, quantum free-electron …
introduced a previously unknown kind of quantum matter, quantum free-electron …
Plasmonic coupling at a metal/semiconductor interface
Integrating plasmonic nanoparticles with semiconductor substrates introduces strong optical
resonances that extend and enhance the spectrum of photocatalytic and photovoltaic …
resonances that extend and enhance the spectrum of photocatalytic and photovoltaic …
Revealing the subfemtosecond dynamics of orbital angular momentum in nanoplasmonic vortices
The ability of light to carry and deliver orbital angular momentum (OAM) in the form of optical
vortices has attracted much interest. The physical properties of light with a helical wavefront …
vortices has attracted much interest. The physical properties of light with a helical wavefront …
Optical excitations with electron beams: challenges and opportunities
Free electron beams such as those employed in electron microscopes have evolved into
powerful tools to investigate photonic nanostructures with an unrivaled combination of …
powerful tools to investigate photonic nanostructures with an unrivaled combination of …
Attosecond physics
Intense ultrashort light pulses comprising merely a few wave cycles became routinely
available by the turn of the millennium. The technologies underlying their production and …
available by the turn of the millennium. The technologies underlying their production and …