Restoration of plant-animal interactions in terrestrial ecosystems
Ecosystem restoration is one of the most promising strategies for conservation in the
Anthropocene. Within ecosystems, plant-animal interactions are critical to their functioning …
Anthropocene. Within ecosystems, plant-animal interactions are critical to their functioning …
Integrating microbiome science and evolutionary medicine into animal health and conservation
Microbiome science has provided groundbreaking insights into human and animal health.
Similarly, evolutionary medicine–the incorporation of eco‐evolutionary concepts into …
Similarly, evolutionary medicine–the incorporation of eco‐evolutionary concepts into …
The late-Quaternary megafauna extinctions: Patterns, causes, ecological consequences and implications for ecosystem management in the Anthropocene
Across the last~ 50,000 years (the late Quaternary) terrestrial vertebrate faunas have
experienced severe losses of large species (megafauna), with most extinctions occurring in …
experienced severe losses of large species (megafauna), with most extinctions occurring in …
[HTML][HTML] A sco** review of the scientific evidence base for rewilding in Europe
Restoring functional ecosystems is crucial to reversing the global biodiversity and climate
crises. The concept of rewilding has gained increasing attention as a proactive tool for …
crises. The concept of rewilding has gained increasing attention as a proactive tool for …
Scavenging in changing environments: woody encroachment shapes rural scavenger assemblages in Europe
Rural abandonment and subsequent vegetation regeneration ('passive rewilding') are
expected to increase worldwide, producing cascades of dynamic socioeconomic, landscape …
expected to increase worldwide, producing cascades of dynamic socioeconomic, landscape …
Domestic livestock and rewilding: are they mutually exclusive?
Human influence extends across the globe, from the tallest mountains to the deep bottom of
the oceans. There is a growing call for nature to be protected from the negative impacts of …
the oceans. There is a growing call for nature to be protected from the negative impacts of …
[HTML][HTML] Biodiversity and climate-regulating functions of forests: current issues and research prospects
NV Lukina, AP Geraskina, AV Gornov… - Вопросы лесной …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
The problem of assessing the impact of biodiversity on the climate-regulating functions of
forests is fundamental. It is of great applied importance for sustainable forest management in …
forests is fundamental. It is of great applied importance for sustainable forest management in …
Биоразнообразие и климаторегулирующие функции лесов: актуальные вопросы и перспективы исследований
НВ Лукина, АП Гераськина, АВ Горнов… - Вопросы лесной …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Проблема оценки влияния биоразнообразия на климаторегулирующие функции лесов
носит фундаментальный характер и имеет огромное прикладное значение для …
носит фундаментальный характер и имеет огромное прикладное значение для …
Rewilding by large ungulates contributes to organic carbon storage in soils
E Kaštovská, J Mastný, M Konvička - Journal of Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
The concept of rewilding, which focuses on managing ecosystem functions through self-
regulation by restoring trophic interactions through introduced animal species with little …
regulation by restoring trophic interactions through introduced animal species with little …
Comparative decomposition of humans and pigs: soil biogeochemistry, microbial activity and metabolomic profiles
Vertebrate decomposition processes have important ecological implications and, in the case
of human decomposition, forensic applications. Animals, especially domestic pigs (Sus …
of human decomposition, forensic applications. Animals, especially domestic pigs (Sus …