How to improve change of shift handovers and collaborative grounding and what role does the electronic patient record system play? Results of a systematic literature …
D Flemming, U Hübner - International journal of medical informatics, 2013 - Elsevier
INTRODUCTION: Establishing continuity of care in handovers at changes of shift is a
challenging endeavor that is jeopardized by time pressure and errors typically occurring …
challenging endeavor that is jeopardized by time pressure and errors typically occurring …
Towards standardisation of evidence-based clinical care process specifications
There is a strong push towards standardisation of treatment approaches, care processes
and documentation of clinical practice. However, confusion persists regarding terminology …
and documentation of clinical practice. However, confusion persists regarding terminology …
Contents of informational and management continuity of care
A Kuusisto, P Asikainen… - MEDINFO 2019: Health …, 2019 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Continuity of patient care (COC) is considered an essential feature of good quality care, but
the ambiguity of the concept has given rise to methodological challenges in scientific …
the ambiguity of the concept has given rise to methodological challenges in scientific …
El informe de continuidad de cuidados como herramienta de comunicación entre atención hospitalaria y atención primaria= The continuity of care report inform as a …
MC Casado - Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud, 2014 - e-revistas.uc3m.es
La importancia de la continuidad de cuidados como medida de seguridad para los
pacientes, hace que el informe de continuidad de cuidados (ICC) sea la herramienta de …
pacientes, hace que el informe de continuidad de cuidados (ICC) sea la herramienta de …
[HTML][HTML] Transferencia de pacientes de cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta atención primaria: un estudio cualitativo
M Correa-Casado, J Granero-Molina… - Atención Primaria, 2017 - Elsevier
Objetivo Conocer la experiencia de las enfermeras gestoras de casos sobre la transferencia
de pacientes que requieren cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta su domicilio. Diseño …
de pacientes que requieren cuidados paliativos desde el hospital hasta su domicilio. Diseño …
[HTML][HTML] Detailed Analysis and Road Map Proposal for Care Transition Records and Their Transmission Process: Mixed Methods Study
Background The digitalization of health care in Germany holds great potential to improve
patient care, resource management, and efficiency. However, strict data protection …
patient care, resource management, and efficiency. However, strict data protection …
Interprofessional structured data: Supporting the primary and secondary use of patient documentation
This chapter describes milestones in the development of electronic health record systems,
aiming to highlight the possibilities of interdisciplinary records to advance nursing care …
aiming to highlight the possibilities of interdisciplinary records to advance nursing care …
[HTML][HTML] Validation of a new telenursing questionnaire: testing the test
JE Marco-Franco, M Reis-Santos… - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Background: Existing surveys on telenursing refer to specific areas of nursing after the
implementation of a programme, but telenursing in general has not been fully evaluated …
implementation of a programme, but telenursing in general has not been fully evaluated …
Transferring palliative-care patients from hospital to community care: A qualitative study
M Correa-Casado, J Granero-Molina… - Atencion …, 2016 - europepmc.org
[Transferring palliative-care patients from hospital to community care: A qualitative study]. -
Abstract - Europe PMC Sign in | Create an account https://orcid.org Europe PMC Menu About …
Abstract - Europe PMC Sign in | Create an account https://orcid.org Europe PMC Menu About …
[PDF][PDF] Potilaan hoidon jatkuvuuden turvaaminen sähköisen hoitotyön yhteenvedon avulla
A Kuusisto - 2018 - dspace.uef.fi
Continuity of patient care is not always realized when patients move from one institution to
another; as a result, up-to-date information is not available to the professionals. The …
another; as a result, up-to-date information is not available to the professionals. The …