Structural control of floating wind turbines
The application of control techniques to offshore wind turbines has the potential to
significantly improve the structural response, and thus reliability, of these systems. Passive …
significantly improve the structural response, and thus reliability, of these systems. Passive …
Fuzzy control for active suspensions
A methodology for the design of active car suspension systems is presented. The goal is to
minimize vertical car body acceleration, for passenger comfort, and to avoid hitting …
minimize vertical car body acceleration, for passenger comfort, and to avoid hitting …
Improved decentralized method for control of building structures under seismic excitation
TW Ma, J Johansen, NS Xu… - Journal of engineering …, 2010 - ascelibrary.org
A decentralized control method with improved robustness and design flexibility is proposed
for reducing vibrations of seismically excited building structures. In a previous study, a …
for reducing vibrations of seismically excited building structures. In a previous study, a …
Desensitized model predictive control applied to a structural benchmark problem
C Lana, M Rotea - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents a model predictive control formulation that incorporates trajectory
sensitivity to improve the robustness of the conventional model predictive control strategy. A …
sensitivity to improve the robustness of the conventional model predictive control strategy. A …
Design of Multirate Output Controllers with an Engineering Application
This paper gives a method to compute a controller that places closed-loop poles in a
specified region, has an order equal to the number of plant control inputs and, under some …
specified region, has an order equal to the number of plant control inputs and, under some …
[BOK][B] Model predictive control schemes for the mitigation of natural hazards: Theoretical and experimental studies
G Mei - 2001 - search.proquest.com
Active and semi-active control devices, eg, active mass dampers and dampers with
controllable dam**, respectively, have been studied to enhance the performance of …
controllable dam**, respectively, have been studied to enhance the performance of …
Constrained state estimation and control
CA Lana - 2008 - search.proquest.com
PURDUE UNIVERSITY Page 1 Graduate School ETD Form 9 (Revised 12/07) PURDUE
UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that …
UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that …
A digital H/sup/spl infin//loop sha** controller for an active mass driver system: a benchmark problem in controlling buildings
GA Murad, EA Al-Gallaf - Proceedings of the 1998 American …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A direct robust digital design for a benchmark problem in controlling buildings is presented.
The structure considered is a scale model of a 3-story building employing an active mass …
The structure considered is a scale model of a 3-story building employing an active mass …