Structural control of floating wind turbines

MA Lackner, MA Rotea - Mechatronics, 2011 - Elsevier
The application of control techniques to offshore wind turbines has the potential to
significantly improve the structural response, and thus reliability, of these systems. Passive …

Fuzzy control for active suspensions

FJ D'Amato, DE Viassolo - Mechatronics, 2000 - Elsevier
A methodology for the design of active car suspension systems is presented. The goal is to
minimize vertical car body acceleration, for passenger comfort, and to avoid hitting …

Improved decentralized method for control of building structures under seismic excitation

TW Ma, J Johansen, NS Xu… - Journal of engineering …, 2010 -
A decentralized control method with improved robustness and design flexibility is proposed
for reducing vibrations of seismically excited building structures. In a previous study, a …

Desensitized model predictive control applied to a structural benchmark problem

C Lana, M Rotea - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents a model predictive control formulation that incorporates trajectory
sensitivity to improve the robustness of the conventional model predictive control strategy. A …

Design of Multirate Output Controllers with an Engineering Application

DE Viassolo, MA Rotea - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2002 - Elsevier
This paper gives a method to compute a controller that places closed-loop poles in a
specified region, has an order equal to the number of plant control inputs and, under some …

[BOK][B] Model predictive control schemes for the mitigation of natural hazards: Theoretical and experimental studies

G Mei - 2001 -
Active and semi-active control devices, eg, active mass dampers and dampers with
controllable dam**, respectively, have been studied to enhance the performance of …

Constrained state estimation and control

CA Lana - 2008 -
PURDUE UNIVERSITY Page 1 Graduate School ETD Form 9 (Revised 12/07) PURDUE
UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL Thesis/Dissertation Acceptance This is to certify that …

A digital H/sup/spl infin//loop sha** controller for an active mass driver system: a benchmark problem in controlling buildings

GA Murad, EA Al-Gallaf - Proceedings of the 1998 American …, 1998 -
A direct robust digital design for a benchmark problem in controlling buildings is presented.
The structure considered is a scale model of a 3-story building employing an active mass …